Page 138 of Can't Help Falling

I told myself not wanting anything serious was because of Lindsay, but now I’m starting to wonder if I was comparing everyone else to Emmy.

She listens, she doesn’t judge, she celebrates the little things, she pays attention—all the things a friend would do.

Friend, I think, shaking my head.

Is it wrong that I want more?

In an attempt to act casual, I pick up the sourdough and the homemade jam, and then head over to the Book Smart booth for a cup of coffee. I’m surprised to discover Reagan, not Emmy, is working.

She must see the disappointment on my face because she smirks at me like I have a secret and she knows what it is. “Good morning, firefighter.”


“Looking for someone?”

“If that person’s name is coffee, then yeah.”

“Funny,” she says, picking up an empty cup. “I thought maybe you were here for Emmy.”

“Nope,” I say, hoping my tone sounds casual. “Just coffee.”

She nods and fills the cup. “Cream or sugar?”

I shake my head and look around the market.

She puts a lid on the cup and holds it out to me. It takes me a second to notice she’s standing there waiting, and I mutter an apology and hand over a five dollar bill.

“This is killing you.” Reagan smirks at me as she gives me my change.

“The coffee?” I ask.

“Not knowing where Emmy is.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “You’re doing a bad job of hiding it.”

I level her gaze.

Her smile widens.

“Fine, where is she?”

“Home. She’s sick.”

I frown. “Like, head cold sick or like throw up sick?”

“The second one,” she says. “That or she’s had a bad reaction to the boring date she had last night. She’d never miss the market, so she must be really pukey.”

Curiosity gets the better of me.

“Her. . .uh. . .date was boring?”

“Looked boring to me.” She glances at me. “He was wearing loafers. Without socks.

I noticed that.

“Do you, um,” I tap the top of my cup. “Do you think she needs anything?”

Reagan shrugs. “She’s alone. Her parents stopped by the shop on their way out of town yesterday. So, maybe?”

I nod halfway through her talking, stop listening, and start surveying the Farmer’s Market.