Page 130 of Can't Help Falling


Dear Hopeful,

And here I thought it’s the thought that counts.

If I may be so bold, pay attention to the little things. A solid guy is better than some big, grand gesture. Focus on his strengths. He may not be charming, but is he kind? He may not be witty, but is he a good listener? He may not be romantic, but is he thoughtful in other ways?

A stand-up guy is a good thing. Even if he doesn’t sweep you off your feet.


Dear Practical,

You make a lot of sense. I’ll keep it in mind on my date this weekend. Would you ever be up for an interview down the road? We can discuss practical versus romantic. I think it would make a great episode.


A date? This weekend?

Maybe it’s not Emmy.

Dear Hopeful,

Send over details, and I’ll consider it. But I’m not telling anyone my real name.


Dear Practical,

Well, good, because I’m not telling anyone mine either.




After I click send, I look at the time.

12:19 a.m.

I’m not sure how I got lost in all of this back and forth, but I feel weirdly exhilarated.

Like I have a secret friendship.

Just like before.

Chapter Thirty


Keep an open mind.

That’s what I tell myself when I spot Chad standing inside the door of the shop.


He looks. . .perfectly normal.