She had so much to say. That it wasn’t that bad. That he could make it so much better. But she had no words. All she could think was that she couldn’t bear to see him…subdued like this, almost dejected. Not her imperturbable, indomitable Leandro.

And she did something she hadn’t thought she ever would. She threw her arms around him and hugged him. Just hugged him. A with-all-her-strength squeeze of empathy and compassion.

She was about to step back when he caught her back in a compulsive crush. When he let her breathe again, she blinked back her agitation as he touched his forehead to hers, like a lion butting his awesome head against his mate in affection.

Then his whisper seared her, with its softness, its sensuality. Its sincerity. “Grazie, tesoro mabuba, I needed that.”

He left her struggling with a widespread nervous dysfunction at his endearment—beloved treasure—and with a shuddering inhalation, stepped away. Then he crooked his arm. She blinked.

He quirked one eyebrow at her. “You got them the prize they wanted—worthless as it is.” Before she could protest, retract that piece of petty vindictiveness, she realized he was teasing. “Don’t tell me you’re letting it walk into their greedy hands unescorted?”


“L eandro, il mio figlio, sede benvenuta.”

Welcome home, my son.

Phoebe winced as King Benedetto’s words seemed to ripple in ever-expanding waves in the Throne Room.

He was underlining the significance and official nature of the meeting, his respect and appreciation of Leandro’s presence and position by receiving him there. Big mistake.

She wished he’d met Leandro in his private rooms. And she wished he’d made it a closed meeting. With her new insight into Leandro’s character and preferences—which was in absolute contrast to the opinion she’d previously held of both—King Benedetto would have put his best foot forward by approaching Leandro on a personal level. This man really didn’t know what he meant to Leandro, even after all the enmity and estrangement.

And then he had to complicate matters further. Welcome home my son was probably the worst thing he could have said in the presence of the Council, who didn’t have any measure of Leandro’s affection and respect, whose injury was untempered by entrenched hero worship and memories of much better times.

She found herself holding her breath, dreading Leandro’s response. What was he thinking? Feeling? She remembered his state eight years ago, the soul-permeating anguish at the amputation of his goals and identity. Would reinstatement, would welcome to what King Benedetto claimed to be Leandro’s home, the palace, the whole kingdom, be enough? Could anything be?

Leandro crossed hands over heart in that gesture that was quintessentially Castaldinian. “Grazie molto…” he wiggled his eyebrows, once “…King B.”

Gasps swept through the expansive hall, like a gale blowing through a forest of dying leaves. They couldn’t have been more shocked if Leandro had made an indecent gesture. Everyone except the king himself. It was difficult to read his skewed face from this distance, but she felt his reaction. Relief. He must have been prepared for far worse than Leandro’s irreverence.

Leandro gave her a sideways glance. Her throat closed. His eyes were eloquent, but she understood none of the things they were telling her. Were his wounds opening, his bitterness pouring out, overwhelming his restraint and his intentions to give the people who’d stripped him of too much a fair chance, the opportunity to atone? Was he deciding he’d made a mistake coming here…?

She gasped. He’d winked at her, slammed her with conspiring mischief and harsh-edged satisfaction—and the message that his desire was mounting, that nothing could take his mind away from it. Then he turned to King Benedetto.

“This place is stuffy. How about we reduce…” his gaze panned over the Council members “…carbon dioxide production?” More gasps ensued. He shook his head. “You’d better do something fast. Oxygen levels are plummeting with those spikes in consumption.”

This time Phoebe’s heart twittered with excitement. Enjoyment. All these years she’d loved and lusted after Leandro and she’d never suspected how deviously, deliciously witty he was.

She had eyes only for him as he stood in the middle of the massive space and extreme opulence, overshadowing it all, giving no outward reaction to the Council members’ displeasure as they obeyed their king’s silent gesture for them to leave.

When the doors closed behind the last grumbling member, he took her hand, walked them to the bottom of the crimson carpet-covered steps leading to the gilded, carved-wood throne and the man doing his best not to slump in it.

“You’re looking good,” Leandro murmured.

One of the king’s eyes closed. She knew both would have if the other had obeyed his emotions. When both were open, they were brighter than before. His voice reflected his agitation, too. “I don’t expect courtesy from you, Leandro. Certainly not kindness.”

“I’ve been called many things.” Leandro gave her a teasing look before looking back at the king. “Kind was never one of them. I expected you to be in bad shape, what with all the desperate cries for me to come back. Now I’m almost wondering why you brought me here. You look—hell, you feel vital enough to me. So what’s your game?”

“I may be guilty of many things, irreconcilable things where you’re concerned, Leandro, but if there’s one thing I never committed with you, it’s lying. I’m not well. You are here because I need you. Because Castaldini needs you.”

Leandro shrugged, dismissing that. “Castaldini can as easily need Durante. Or Ferruccio. I’m not your only choice.”

“You are our best one.”

Leandro raised a hand in a “don’t” gesture. “I have no ego to appeal to here anymore. I no longer subscribe to the letter of the ancient criteria. And it’s about time you sift through them and keep only what works. You’re just too afraid to propose them to the people, and the Council are a bunch of stuck-up snobs who can’t force themselves to look beyond the birth requirement and lineage crap.”

The king seemed to have trouble finding words. Then he rasped, “I have loved you since you were born, Leandro. Osvaldo would have been the proudest father had he lived to see you become who you are. But if I were unencumbered by the laws, by people’s expectations, don’t you think I would have wanted my own son to succeed me?”