Page 2 of Owning Amethyst

Amethyst moves, shifting the sheet down her body another inch causing my dick to ache to feel the heat of her juices. The outline of the forbidden fruit tucked just out of sight is alluring. No man, no matter their strength, can walk away from such temptation without one more taste.

Moonlight gently brushes over the glistening locks and I wonder if God realizes heaven has lost an angel. It doesn’t matter. Heaven can’t have her back. No one can. Not the angels nor the demons—of which there are plenty biding their time to rip away my one treasure.

I raise a hand and settle it about three inches to the right of my heart. I search for the scar there and feel my nerves settle a fraction when the tips of my fingers brush against the puckered edges. I got this saving her life once. Walking away should be easier than taking a bullet, but it is not.

I move from the shadows and cross the room, my footsteps silent over the white carpet. I strip my jacket and cuff links, depositing them on the corner of the bed.

I look down at her as I roll my sleeves over my forearms. It wouldn’t take much to steal a parting look. A taste. My bride loves sleeping naked and tonight is no different.

I slide a finger under the edge of the glossy fabric and brush a knuckle against the tip of her nipple. Nothing too hard. Only a faint whisper of a caress.

“Mmm. Daddy.”

Low, sensual. Amethyst’s voice brushes over me like a lover's caress but slams into my chest with a force that has me taking a step back for balance.

I draw in air. Hold.

My heart thumps erratically. The word hits me like a wall of heat and takes over my senses until my thoughts are consumed with that one word.


My vision shimmers and turns black along the edges. Muted shadows turn to nothing more than a blur as my focus draws the smooth complexion of her face. The slow parting of her lips as she mumbles something else I can’t make out.

I have nearly five decades on this earth and not once has anyone called me…daddy.

Motherfucker. Boss. Son of a bitch. Yes. But never daddy. Hearing that one word from her lips is like pulling a trigger inside my brain. There’s no going back from the damage left in its wake.

A slow smile draws over my lips.

I’m ruined.

Despite my silent vow to look and not touch, I reach for her and caress the back of my inked up knuckles down the soft slope of her cheek. I have no place touching someone so pure, much less bedding them. Next to her I am nothing and yet she calls for me in her sleep.


I adjust my length in awe at the power she holds over me even as she dreams.

Amethyst turns into my touch instinctively, causing my dick to turn rock solid. The voice inside my head screams for me to possess her one more time, but I force it into silence. But one thing I keep hearing go off in my head is true. I can’t leave my sweet girl forever. I swore to protect her, love her and cherish her the day she took my ring and my seed. I’ll walk for now, take care of the danger and then I’ll be back.

My fists clench at my sides as she moves again and this time the sheet slips to reveal her full breasts. Their heavy weight will feed my child in a few months. Until then, they are mine to play with.

Were mine, the voice in my head reminds me.

I press a knee onto the side of the bed and gather the weight of her breasts in either hand before pressing them together. The hard length of my shaft threatens the strength of my zipper. She loves it when I slide my arousal between these mounds.

My grip tightens a fraction. Beautifully bowed lips part with a whimper though she’s yet to wake. Temptation to call her to me eats a hole in my soul. The need to see her eyes and feel the warmth of her gaze on me is hard to resist. My fingers curl into her softness. Lashes flutter and right when I think my jewel will show me her beautiful eyes, she drifts back to sleep. My fingers rasp over her nipples, causing them to harden further, my reward a shuddering sigh.

Fuck me, but my mouth waters for a taste. She’s the definition of original sin. Beautiful, delicate and if she knew what I dreamed about doing to her, she probably would have never agreed to her father’s arrangement for us to marry.

I lower my weight over her and gently wrap my lips around the extended peaks, drawing one into the warmth of my mouth. Sucking and licking until her dreams are filled with only the fantasy of me. My tongue flays over the tender tip, sucking, biting and kissing before moving to the other.


I strain to hear her slumbered moans. Her breathing hitches. A knee rises. The sheet falls and takes my heart along with it.

There is no saving my soul. I knew I would be addicted to her beauty, but never did I think she would become my reason for living.

It is always the beautiful jewels in this world men like me crave.