Page 44 of Kindled Hearts

Another pulse of anger shot through me. “At your home?”

She nodded. I had to force myself not to crumple the note in my hand from pure rage. Whoever had the audacity to leave this for her needed to face some serious consequences.

A soft hand curled around my forearm. My gaze jerked up and met those warm, brown hues. “I’ve gotten threats before,” she said softly, doing nothing to ease the burning fury roaring in my chest. “Nothing had ever become of them before, but I thought I should tell you, anyways.”

I was glad she had. “Is this the only threat you’ve gotten?”

By the slight downturn of her lips and the stiffening of her body, I knew the answer before she said it. “There was a text message from an unknown number,” she confessed.

I let a low curse fly. My eyes cut over to the living area on the right side of us. Roman was playing with Hailey with mom and dad. August was in there, too, looking at his phone.

I turned my head to the opposite side of the entryway, where Graham was reading a book in a small room we used as a den. Fox was sitting in a chair on his computer.

“Come on,” I said, taking hold of her arm and turning her toward the den.

Graham glanced up from his book as we stepped inside the small, warm space. His brows rose in question, but I didn’t say anything yet. I turned and slid one side of the heavy, pocket doors closed and pulled out my phone to send August a text.

When I pivoted back around, both my brothers were sitting at attention, eyes honed on me. Lark shifted on her feet, looking guarded.

I handed the note to Graham. He took it, his mouth turning down sharply as he read.

“Someone is sending Lark threats,” I said, my voice low.

Graham placed his book down on the couch he was sitting on. He pushed back a lock of curly hair and looked over at Lark. “How many of these have you gotten?”

Lark nervously cleared her throat. “This is the first physical one. It was left on my windshield. But I’ve gotten a text from a number I don’t know…” she trailed off and Fox stood up, snapping his laptop closed.

“Can I see that text?” he asked.

The anxiety in my chest eased as my brothers immediately jumped into action without being asked. That was one of the few good things that ever came from losing our sister, the rest of us stuck together, always looking out for each other.

Lark reluctantly took out her phone and handed it to Fox. He gave her an easy smile. “Thanks,” he said, taking it and swiping the screen open.

“Do you think you can trace the number?”

I glanced over my shoulder as August stepped into the room. August might be the second youngest brother, only beating me by a couple of years, but he often slipped into the leader role. Something that came easy to him after starting and heading up Hearthstone Security.

Fox frowned at the phone, tapping on the screen. “I’m going to try.” He tapped a few more times and then handed the phone back to Lark before meeting August’s stare. “I’m going to head to the office and see what I can find out about the number.”

As Fox crossed the room toward the door, I caught his arm. He met my eyes, his brow puckering.

“Thank you,” I said.

Fox nodded. “Anytime, brother.”

And then he was gone.

August walked deeper into the room, crossing his arms over his chest as he addressed Graham. “What do you think?”

Graham stood up, his crisp shirt slightly more wrinkled than it was during dinner. His eyes bounced to the note he was still holding. “I think this could be a lot of things,” he said. “Or it could be nothing.”

August’s eyes narrow. “But…?”

Graham ran a hand along his sharp jaw. “It could be something more. It’s concerning to me that whoever did this, thought it was important enough to physically leave a note for her.”

My stomach soured. “She says she’s gotten threats before. Back before she left Ember Hollow.”

Graham’s gaze collided with Lark. “Did you ever get anything physically left for you like this?”