Page 97 of The More I Hate

I should have known better than to tempt fate and walk around her neighborhood.

No, I wasn’t on her normal path home, but I knew she took that route if she decided to pick up dinner on the way home.

There had been no avoiding it. I’d had to pick up the keys from the contractor, and I’d underestimated how much time it would take to finish going over everything.

It had required every ounce of my control not to say fuck the plan and beg her to take me back right then. Walking away from her was the hardest thing I had ever done, and I had no intention of ever doing it again.

But I had a plan, and I wanted to see it through.

I had to practically run from Amelia to get the keys to Rose so she could play her part. Harrison had given me the information I needed. Now Rose was helping with the execution.

I just hoped it was enough.

I stood in front of her door in a newer high-rise, a condo I had vetted and given Harrison the money to buy for Amelia.

It had taken a lot of convincing and several legal contracts stating that I was giving Amelia the money and expected nothing in return. Her mother had locked Amelia’s trust fund up in miles of red tape, ensuring that she didn’t get a cent until she was married.

So, with Harrison’s help, I had given her what she was owed, which was a drop in the bucket compared to what she would have had access to as my wife. I made sure that she had the freedom to live her life and figure out her purpose.

Security was always watching her, not to spy but to make sure she was safe from muggers, rapists, and her mother.

Her mother was the largest threat. She had paid actors to pretend to mug Amelia and scare her into coming home.

Thanks to me, they never got close to her.

When that happened, I passed the information on to Harrison and let him handle his mother.

Once I knew Amelia was safe, I let her live her life while I moved to part two of my plan. With her sister’s help, I built something just for her.

Now it was time to give it to her, hope she accepted my gift, and pray it was enough of a grand gesture to convince her I was worthy of a second chance.

I knocked again and heard some moving around in the apartment. I didn’t think I had ever been this nervous. My heart raced as the chain lock jingled as she made sure it was in place before opening the door.

Good girl.

“Luc, what are you doing here?” she asked through the gap in the door.

Her hair was piled in a messy bun on her head, cute Michael Kors glasses on her nose, a book tucked under her arm.

She was still wearing the bright red, short-sleeved turtleneck, and her black dress pants. A gold necklace with a fractured fire opal sparkled around her neck. It was the same necklace she’d worn when she turned down my proposal. Somehow it suited her.

“I have something to show you. Can you come with me?”


“It’s a surprise, just please?”

“Okay.” Her agreement was hesitant, but that would have to be enough. She closed the door to slide open the chain and let me in. “Just give me a moment to get my shoes on.”

Her apartment was neat, decorated in a mismatch of vintage designer furniture. It was the exact opposite of her room at her family’s mansion, which had been all pretty pale pastels. This room was still chic, still feminine, but with bold colors and filled with life.

She disappeared into her bedroom for a moment, and I forced myself not to think about what was in that room and wonder if she had anyone else in that bed.

When she finally emerged, I was buzzing with energy.

I hated that she could be with another man, and it was none of my business. Harrison had given the order that my security was allowed to watch Amelia but never report back who she was with. I didn’t like it, but I needed his help, so I’d agreed.

“What is this surprise?” she asked.