Page 13 of The More I Hate

“Am I?” she seethed. “Because the other day, I could have sworn I was going to marry another man. That didn’t happen, so why should I think this engagement is any different?”

I grabbed her arm again, and she winced.

There was no way I grabbed her hard enough to cause any pain.

I was a bastard, but I wouldn’t hurt her, at least not with so many witnesses. Even then, any time I caused her pain, it would be to further her pleasure.

With a quick yank, I pulled down the tops of her long gloves and revealed four long, thin bruises on one of her arms. A clear handprint that was topped with little half-moon scabs that were still healing.

“Who did this to you?”

“It’s none of your concern.” She yanked the gloves back in place.

“Tell me who dared put their hands on you.”

“No,” she said between clenched teeth.

“Tell me now, so I can handle it. If you don’t, I swear I’ll show you what happens to little girls who don’t behave.”

“What are you going to do?” she asked. “Look around. We are surrounded by people. People you do business with, and after ruining my wedding to Dubois, I doubt you want a scene here. I’m here playing the happy little bride. If you don’t like my performance, fine. Call off the wedding.”

“Little girl, you have no idea what I am going to do to you.” I put my hand on her hip, holding her in place as I leaned in.

Anyone looking at us would assume I was whispering sweet nothings into her ear, telling her how beautiful she was, or all the things I’d rather do to her somewhere private.

“You already publicly humiliated me. You have people thinking I have been with you behind Dubois’s back. I am being called a whore by my peers, and lecherous men are leering at me, wondering what kind of magic I can do in the bedroom to be worthy of such a public scene. What more could you possibly do to me? Lock me in a tower? Send me to a convent after we are married? But wait, all of that would reflect poorly on you.”

She turned her back to me, and seeing her bare skin, I snapped.

I encircled her wrist, holding firmly but not tight enough to hurt in case she had more bruises that I hadn’t seen yet. I pulled her out of the ballroom and down the hall.

“I think you and I need to have a talk.”



Several men were playing billiards when we burst into the room.

Luc took one look at them and ordered, “Out.”

Without any objection, the men dropped their pool cues and left.

Luc slammed the double doors shut after the last man… and locked them.

The cold, damning sound of the bolt sliding into place sent a chill up my spine.

I knew better than to call out for help. Not only would that cause an unforgiveable scene, but it would also be for nothing. They would take one look at Luc and not risk his wrath, or more accurately financial ruin, by helping me.

Crossing my arms over my middle, I tapped my foot. “Well, you wanted to talk. So talk.”

He shrugged out of his tuxedo jacket and tossed it over the nearest oxblood leather chair. Raising his arm, he unhooked his cuff link and rolled up first one sleeve then the other. “I misspoke. Talking wasn’t what I had in mind.”

I frowned as I backed up, placing the billiards table between us. I answered in a frigid tone. “You forget yourself, sir.”

“On the contrary, I’m reminding you precisely who I am in this relationship,” he ground out as he stalked around the table toward me.

I scurried to the other side of the table. Forgetting my earlier conviction, I threatened him. “I’ll scream.”