Page 4 of Forever

“Hmmm. I hear Terran food is quite tasty. Zorloxians are meat eaters. I hope you have a buffet of savory muscles.” He grinned, tickling me with his mannerisms.

I grabbed his hand without giving it a second thought. “I know just the place.Buffalo Haven. They serve the best buffalo steaks around and the largest baked potatoes. Plus their house salad is a mean plate of greens.” I laughed knowing he didn’t understand everything I said. We had fun in the cab ride to the restaurant while I educated him on Earthling terms.

Earth had endearing habits that rang true through the ages such as a piano bar with fresh champagne and a real wooden dance floor. It was a wild concept to Do’Thortn as he gawked wide-eyed at the couples swaying.

“Is it some sort of mating dance?” He inquired because of how intimate the couples were.

I giggled. “No, remember humans just do things for fun.”

His head shook. “Not us. We don’t do anything frivolously.”

It’s a hard thing to wrap my head around. He’s just an alien here to secure our alliance, nothing more. The works kept flowing through my head and irregardless, my heart pounded whenever our eyes met.

“Buffalo, huh. It is delicious. Such a treat, very similar to the protein food on Zorlox.” He polished the plate, enjoyed the decadent chocolate cake a-la-mode and the wine. Shoving back from the table, he eyed the dance floor and then me.

“I would like to try this thing called dancing, if you would be so kind as to show me how it’s done?”

“As long as you realize it’s not a mating ritual, I’ll be happy to comply.” I hold out my hand and stand and we make our way to the dance floor. The alien and the lady closed the gap and swayed to the soft tinkles of the baby grand.



The music set the mood as Moxy stepped into my arms. Gently, we glided around the small dance floor, her body so close to mine, I could sense every breath she took. Intoxicating thoughts raced through my head, coupled with the wine and the strength of my double pounding hearts. Moxy Foster, terran and married to another terran, was my mate. For that, I had absolutely no doubts.

We locked eyes, the mesmerizing music flowing around us giving courage where there was none before. How could I deny this? This female in my arms resonated with me on every level. But she's untouchable. I just couldn’t…

Her eyes scanned mine, moving back and forth fast. Luscious red lips part and the corners turn up as her head tilted. “What are you thinking, Prince Do’Thortn of Zorlox?”

“Really, you don’t want to know.”

Her hand moved between us and settled on my chest where my two hearts thumped endlessly behind my flesh. “I think I do.”

I swallowed hard. She’s putting me on the spot, giving me no room to consider the words.

“Moxy, I…”

“Oh no! Jefferson just walked in with Kenna.” She quickly parted from me and stepped away toward her husband and daughter.

I stood in the middle of the floor, blinking and trying to figure out what to do. On Zorlox, this would never be an issue. Blowing out my breath, I headed for the opposite edge and planned to slip out the door.

Moxy smiled my way and waved to me to join them. Thankfully my blue skin hid blushes, I stepped to the booth where her husband and little girl slid into a seat and Moxy herself slid into the seat across and patted it.

“Please, have a seat. Jefferson, Kenna, this is Do’Thortn. Prince Do’Thortn of Zorlox. He’s our liaison from Zorlox and the official officer to sign the Earth Zorlox Alliance.”

“Yes, of course. Nice to meet you,” Jefferson said, tight-lipped and nodded curtly.

I’m not accustomed to the pleasantries of such greetings, but as Moxy pointed out, I’d do well to mock the gestures, so that the terrans would be more accepting of us.

“Yes, you too.” I looked Jefferson in the eye and then smiled at little Kenna. The little girl just glared at me, her hand clutching her father’s sleeve.

“We’ve taken great strides in intergalactic relationships. I see it’s working magically here.” Jefferson’s dry comment immediately sent gall into my mouth.

“Of course we have. And yes, it’s very magical having Zorloxians in alliance with us. We should celebrate. Server, can we get a bottle of your finest champagne here?”

Moxy’s behavior towards Jefferson certainly doesn’t seem like she’s in the presence of her mate, or husband as they called it on Earth. Both seem a little out of bounds with each other. Clearly, the tension between the two couldn’t escape anyone’s notice.

Jefferson turned to me. “Do they celebrate on Zorlox with champagne and dancing? And in front of the children?” His smile didn’t reach his eyes.