“Better than good,” I admit. “Especially our first night in Texas.” I wiggle my eyebrows, thinking about how wild we were for each other that night. It was equal parts release and relief from the past few hectic weeks. “And our first morning in Texas.”
She laughs, shaking her head. “And our second night in Texas?”
“Even better. But I like knowing that you, my big strong truck driver, is afraid of a teeny tiny little mouse.” I laugh at the outraged squeak she gives, thinking about how she’d freaked the fuck out at the sight of a little mouse. “It was cute.”
Her glare isn’t at all intimidating. “Cute. You didnotjust call me cute, did you?”
I laugh again. “You’re cute when you pretend to be tough.”
“I am tough,” she shoots back. “I didn’t run from you.”
“I’m not a mouse,” I assure her.
“You sure aren’t, are you?”
We ride in silence for a few minutes, and I turn to look at her. “You know, I’m really enjoying getting to know you, and that’s weird as fuck for me.”
She smiles, taking the exit as we arrive in Jackson, Mississippi, where we’ll stop for the night. “You don’t usually enjoy getting to know women?”
I shrug. “Not really. My life has been all about me. But you…you’re like the first real woman I’ve ever met who has a good head on her shoulders. Smarts, ambition, looks. You’ve got everything.”
Cassidy nods knowingly. “Thank you. I don’t think anyone but my mom and dad have ever said something so sweet to me.”
“I want to know everything about you, Cassidy.”
“Like the first boy I kissed was Rafael Esparza?”
“I hate him already,” I growl.
“Then you’ll really hate Bret Ellis. Beautiful blond-headed man with big blue eyes and magic fingers. Punched my v-card with him.”
“I’ll kill him.” My lips curl into a reluctant smile. “So you have a thing for blonds?”
“No, not really. It seems these days I have a thing for you,” she teases as we pull into the truck stop.
The hum of the big rig fades as I watch Cassidy maneuver us smoothly into the truck stop. There’s something about the way she handles this beast of a machine that just does it for me. “You know how insanely sexy it is watching you drive this thing?” I tell her, my voice rough with a mix of admiration and something a bit more primal.
She shoots me a wink and sends my pulse racing. “You can show me how much later. Right now, I’m starving,” she says as we lock up the cab and head toward the restaurant.
I wrap an arm around her and feel a sense of pride walking in with her. “So, what are you in the mood for, baby girl?”
She gives me a look that’s all sass and mischief. “Something warm, thick, and juicy.”
A laugh escapes as my mind goes straight to the gutter. “Got that covered right here, but I meant food.”
“I know what you meant,” she says, her eyes sparkling with humor. “Did you see that burger on the menu board?”
We settle into a booth, and the waitress comes by with ice water, taking our order. I lean back, watching Cassidy with a sense of contentment I haven’t felt in a long time.
I watch Cassidy attack her burger with an enjoyment that matches mine. “This is amazing,” I comment, the flavors of the burger hitting all the right notes.
She nods in agreement, a playful smirk on her face. “Bet you didn’t expect truck stop food to be this good.”
“Nah, I knew it’d be good, but this is next level.” I take another bite, savoring it.
I’m halfway through my burger when Cassidy looks me dead in the eyes. “So, who’s Layla? She seems...interesting.”
I pause, burger in hand, and meet her gaze. “Layla? She’s nobody. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.”