Page 10 of Diesel

“Something like that. Right there is our clubhouse.” He points to a different building, and I stop, meeting his gaze.

“This is your biker clubhouse?” He nods, his dark brows dipping into a deep vee. “What kind of club is this, exactly?”

“It’s where we meet, hang out. Why? What do you think it is?”

I shake my head. “How in the hell should I know? That’s why I’m asking!” A sinking sensation goes through me that this is somekind of sex club or worse. What could be worse, I’m not sure. All I know is that I’m feeling uneasy.

“Come on, Cassidy. We’re not going to sell you into slavery or tie you up…unless you ask, of course.” His lips curl up at the corners into a too-sexy grin. “It’s like a bar inside, only cheaper.” He grabs my hand, tugging me through a metal door where the sound of music and laughter hits me immediately.

There are people everywhere and it really would look like any dive bar in the country if every dive bar was populated by bikers.

Surprisingly, quite a few women are lounging around at tables, behind the bar, and even in front of a dart board. Some are even holding small children. Men are playing at the pool tables, a few sitting around a table playing cards, and all of them are drinking and laughing. Bonding. “Are all of these people part of your MC?”

“The men, yes. The women you see are either club whores, or old ladies.”

I frown. “Old ladies? I bet they like to be called that. Kinda rude, isn’t it?”

“Not rude at all. They’re girlfriends, wives, and significant others of my brothers.”

Okay, that makes sense. “And club whores? Is that what I think it means?”

Diesel hesitates before answering. “Pretty much. They’re loyal to the club, and they do whatever is needed.”

“Eww.I don’t want to know.“

“Suit yourself. Want a beer?”

I shake my head. “I’ll take a whiskey. Neat.”

With a nod, Diesel takes my hand, and we head to the bar to the right of us. “Two shots of whiskey, please, Layla.”

A blonde woman behind the bar smiles at Diesel, sparing me half a glance before she pours two healthy shots.

She looks in my direction, telling me exactly how little she thinks of me. “Doin’ charity work now, Diesel?”

He stiffens and then frowns. “Not now, Layla.”

“I’m just saying,” she huffs. “This chick hardly looks like your type.” She looks at me like I’m some fucking alien. “Are you even wearing makeup?”

I lean over the bar, getting right in her overly made-up face so she knows I’m not one to be fucked with. “You got a problem with me or somethin’? I’ll happily kick your ass.”

Her eyes go wide and she takes a step back, gaze shooting to Diesel as if he can help her. “Better get your bitch, Diesel. She’s a little rabid.”

You rotten cunt.I take the glass of whiskey and do something I haven’t done since I was too young to set foot in a bar. I toss my drink right in her face. “I’ll show you, rabid.”

She lets out a high-pitched squeal just as Diesel steps in front of me. “I guess I’ll need another one,” he growls at the woman, Layla.

“Here you go,babe.”She says it loud enough for me to hear, which I guess is her goal.

“We’ll talk about your behavior later,” he grunts. “For now, I don’t want to see your fucking face.” Then, like flipping a switch,he turns to me with that charming grin and hands me the drink. “Ready to meet everyone?”

“Girlfriend of yours?”

“Club whore, don’t ask.”

I nearly choke on my drink, busting out a laugh. At least he’s not sugarcoating things. “All right, lead the way.”

Diesel grins, amused by my reaction, and grabs my hand again. We weave through the crowd, stopping here and there as he introduces me to his biker buddies.