Page 54 of Beauty and Kaos

His words travel through me like an electrical current. Every part of his offer appeals to every part of me. Yet, I find myself saying, “I have to get back to work.”

Raven nods, and wanders back around the corner. I turn to face Zaden.

“I’ll find you,” I promise. “Give me twenty to finish up and clock out.”

“Nick and Mia are about to leave,” he says. “We can catch a ride with them.”

I nod and chase Raven’s wake through the crowd. I grab my tray, finish the last few orders sent my way, and tell Alex I’m done for the night.

I can feel it creeping in on me as I finish the last order and retire my tray. The acceleration of my heartbeat, the extended tracers of passing lights, the shiver that races up my spine every time my skin touches skin as I weave through the crowd. I know I have to get out of here, and soon. I pass beneath one of the AC vents in the club, and the rush of cool air feels like a million tiny fingertips sliding over me. I shudder, take a breath, and move through the club to Evan’s table.

Evan smiles as I approach, and motions to the space in the booth beside him, but I shake my head.

“I’m beat,” I lie. “If it’s okay with you, I’m going to ride back with Mia.”

His eyes rake over me. “You sure? Last call doesn’t apply to owners.”

I nod. “Raincheck.”

“Will do,” he reluctantly agrees, watching me carefully. “You feeling okay?”

I smile, resisting the urge to giggle outright. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just hot in here.” Really hot. Inside my dress. Inside my skin. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Then I turn and leave, cutting myself off before I can say anything that might give me away.

I can feel every strap of my dress where it touches my body, the ribbon of thong down my ass, the cool metal buckles of my heels down the sides of my legs. It feels like a cage, and I’m stuck inside. I weave through the crowd back to where I last saw Mia and Nick in the Nova section near the railing.

Then I see Zaden. Our eyes meet, and he comes for me.

We fall into each other with open mouths and roaming hands. I run my nails up the back of his neck and fist my hands in his hair. He moans against my lips, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me tight against him.

I vaguely register the stream of giggles that ring out from Mia, and turn to look at her.

“Well, that was unexpected,” she comments.

Nick shakes his head. “Not that unexpected.”

I smile. “Let’s get out of here.”

Chapter 16


Mia leads the way through the club, zigzagging through the crowd until we’re finally outside. The warm salt air rushes over me all at once, and I glance up into the night sky, lost in the blanket of stars. I’ve never seen so many stars before, shooting across the sky.

Zaden places his hand on my back and leads me to his truck where Mia and Nick wait. He pulls his keys out of his pocket and tosses them to Nick.

“We’ll be in the back,” he says.

Nick takes a step closer, his gaze volleying back and forth between Zaden and I.

“You guys are fucked up,” he accuses.

“Yeah, we’re leaving a bar at three in the morning,” Zaden replies, but he can’t hide his amusement.

“No, like fucked up, fucked up,” Nick clarifies.

I start laughing. I don’t know why, and I don’t know how to makeit stop.

Nick laughs and rolls his eyes. “Get in.”