Page 51 of Beauty and Kaos

“I saw you in the silhouette,” she says. “Whew, girl.” She fans herself. “You look hot.”

“And you look like the tooth fairy,” I blurt without thinking. Thanks, Vodka.

She laughs. “I’m an angel.”

“Damn right, you are,” Nick says, wrapping his arms around her. My gaze drifts over him, noting his sharp club attire but expecting nothing less.

“Nick,” I acknowledge.

“I’ve never seen Natalie that limber,” he comments. “You found a way to melt the ice queen.”

“It’s all friction,” I explain with a smile. “You just have to rub her the right way.”

“Which way is right?” A voice asks from behind me, and even in the loud booming chaos of the club, I know who it is. My heart starts to race, and I turn to face him.

“You don’t know?” I ask Zaden, my eyes raking unabashedly down his body. His dark hair falls around his face, his ice blue eyes locked on me, in a silky silver shirt with black accents folded to the elbows, and slim-fit black pants disappearing into his clunky combat boots. His shirt is unbuttoned to mid-chest, revealing the tattoos hidden beneath, and winding down his arms beneath the fold. My mouth goes dry, and I’m suddenly aware of just how badly I need another drink. A big one, far, far away from this absolutely gorgeous man.

Zaden nods, and the intensity in his stare tells me he caught the whole show. “I know.”

I can’t stop thinking about the way he kissed me last night.The way his hands felt on my skin, rough and demanding, taking what he wanted because he couldn’t stop wanting it. We have that dangerous need in common.

“Come here often?” I inquire, moving closer to him and knowing I shouldn’t. “Or are you stalking me?”

His eyes lock on mine. “Stalking.”

“How’s that working out for you?” I slide my body against his, turning until my back is against his chest, and swaying my hips to the music. His hands glide up my thighs as he moves with me, pulling me tighter against him as the club lights strobe around us.

“I’ll tell you in the morning.”

I bite my lip to hide my smile, undeniably turned on by the confidence in his tone. “Why? Are you going to follow me home, too?”

I feel the stubble on his face scrape against the nape of my neck, his voice warm against my skin. “Keep grinding on my cock like this, and I’ll throw you over my shoulder and take you there myself.”

I turn in his embrace, my arms sliding around his neck as our eyes collide in the darkness. “I dare you.”

His eyes darken, his hands tightening on my hips before sliding down to grip my ass. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”

I lean closer until my lips are a breath from his. “And it’s your turn.”

“Ivy,” Natalie calls as she weaves through the crowd. “Come on, we have orders piling up. Check your balance, and let’s get back to work.” She glances around the group, her attention pausing at Zaden. “Hey, you guys made it.”

I sigh, taking a step back from Zaden. “On my way,” Ireluctantly agree. Natalie watches his hands slide off my ass, then turns back toward the bar. “Time’s up,” I tell him, smoothing my hands down my dress. He shakes his head, a muscle ticking in his jaw. Before he can reply, I turn and follow Natalie back to the Galaxy Bar.

Fuck. I’m way too drunk to be that close to him. Too stressed out and lonely and angry and sad to feel an outlet for my emotions at the tip of my fingers and not grab it.

I walk behind the bar and greet Alex as he refills Natalie’s tray on the opposite side of the counter. “Natalie said there’s a computer I can check my server account on?” I question, and he nods toward the door behind the bar. I thank him, then disappear inside.

It’s a small room with two stainless steel prep tables. One table has rows of empty, clean glasses lined up and ready to go. The other has two computer registers, and I log into one. A long line of transactions appear, several pages long. The cumulative tip total sits in bold numbers across the top, and I’m almost at a thousand dollars.

I curse. I’ve never made this much money in one day, let alone four hours. I close out of my account and lean back against the table. I’m fucked up, I’ll have a thousand dollars in my pocket by the end of the night, and five hundred more when I get paid for the job. I’ve figured out some of the mystery of Paige. I found a way to dial Natalie’s bitch-mode back a notch, and Evan said flat-out that he trusts me. Altogether, tonight has been fairly successful.

On the opposite table, one of the glasses in the line of highballs catches my eye, and I tilt my head to study it. It looks slightly crooked and not like the others. I walk over and lift it up,setting it in the palm of my hand. At the bottom of all the glasses I’ve run tonight is a metal pedestal, presumably for the tech that links each order to the POS system. On this glass, the pedestal is pivoted out to the side just enough to appear detached. I twist it further, and it slides open to reveal a small metal dish. Inside the dish are two blue pills.

I dump the pills out into my hand and run my finger over the inverted blue goldfish stamped into each pill. It’s ecstasy.

I glance back at the table and all the rows of glasses. I think about the transaction list on the computer, plus Natalie, plus Raven, and whatever Alex may do at the counter. They’re running a drug ring.

Paige was dealing for Evan.