Page 15 of Beauty and Kaos

“Are you staying nearby?”

I nod, my gaze straying in the direction of the Sunrise Motel. “Yeah, really close.”

“Okay. Good. Well, I have a server position open. Doubles are mandatory. Nights may go as late as midnight or so. We’re in the middle of the season, so business is crazy. I can start you this afternoon if you’re ready?”

“I’m ready for anything,” I tell him, locking my eyes with his. “I have a few questions, though.”

He places his clipboard down on the table. “Sure, what would you like to know?”

So many things.“I’ve been watching the news. That girl who’s missing, didn’t she work here?”

I see him stiffen uncomfortably, shifting in his seat. He nods. “She was an employee. We never had any issues with her, but I guess you never really know some people.”

“Do you think she’s a murderer?”

He shrugs. “No idea. The police are investigating it, and they really haven’t told us anything. We learn about the case from the news, just like everyone else.”

“There’s nothing you could tell me about that night? About her? Was she angry, scared, upset?” I pause, watching him squirm. “Was she drunk?”

“I’ve heard reports that she was drinking heavily, but it wasn’t anything I witnessed myself, or I would have sent her home early.”

“You sound like a responsible manager who strives to care for his employees.” Fuck. This guy isn’t going to give up anything more than what he gave to the police. Not like this. Not to someone he doesn’t know. The only chance I may have is to get under his skin. Get him to trust me. Maybe get him wasted.

“Thank you,” he says cautiously, raising a confused eyebrow at me.

“Sorry about the morbid line of questioning,” I say, leaning back in my chair. “I’m into true crime stuff.”

He nods slowly, and I can tell he’s buying it. “No worries.Usually people only ask how long we’ve been in business, or if our grouper is frozen or fresh.”

“So what is it?” I ask. “Frozen, or fresh?”

He smiles. “Fresh. Look out there,” he says, pointing toward the marina behind the Sunrise Motel and the line of six charter boats in the first lane. “We catch our own fish, and if we have to supplement, we always source locally.”

“Is that going to be on the test?”

He nods. “Everything is a test.”

“Noted.” I roll the ball of my tongue ring between my lips absently, and his eyes follow the motion.

“The job. You interested?” He asks, watching me expectantly.

I’m going to hell for this.“Yes.”

“Perfect, come back around three, and I’ll have you shadow Giana for the dinner rush.” The office phone clipped to his belt starts to beep, and he grabs it, studying the caller ID. “In fact, Giana just walked into the kitchen. Short dark hair. Go see if she can grab you a shirt from the gift shop. I’ve got to take this.” He steps out of his seat, puts the phone to his ear, and walks back toward the office beside the bar.

I slide out of my chair, watching Evan until he’s out of sight. I don’t know what to think about him yet, but he’s not what I expected. I figured he would be attractive. Based on his father’s portfolio, I figured he would be demanding. Controlling. Possibly narcissistic. But there’s something else there. Something that shook just a little when I started to question him, and his confidence wavered. I could see the cracks in his foundation, I just need to push him until they break.

I wander past the food window, sitting cold and empty asthey set up. The server station is off to the side from the kitchen doors, and a guy with short brown hair and a rubber apron swings around the corner carrying two large empty glass racks. “Sorry. Coming through,” he says, pushing his way through the swinging doors. I stay out of his way, then step inside once he’s clear of the door, and directly into a wall. A human wall.

I look down, and my boots are toe to toe with other larger boots. I put my hands out, pushing against a black cotton Sandbar shirt.

“That’s the out,” he says, and I look up into his face. His eyes are as blue as arctic ice. Deep and magnetic. He raises an eyebrow in amusement. “One way in, one way out. Prevents collisions.” He has a full glass rack balanced on his shoulder, water dripping from the dishwasher onto the floor around me.Zaden.

“I suck at following directions.”

A smile teases at the corners of his mouth. “You suck at getting out of the way, too.”

I nod and step back, giving him space to get by. He disappears through the swinging doors. I scan the interior of the kitchen for Giana, but I don’t see her anywhere. The doors swing open again, and Zaden walks through, slinging the empty glass rack back into place above the dish station.