Page 47 of I'm Yours

“I believe you might be afraid of letting go, Cori. You’re enjoying yourself and for whatever reason, this scares you. I won’t force you to be with me, but I won’t turn you away when you admit to what you want.”

“I’m a professional, Blaze. I assure you I know how to speak my mind. I don’t hide.” She looks away as she finishes this sentence. She hides and she knows it. I don’t call her on it, I don’t need to.

Instead, I walk around her desk. She leans into it to try and pull from me, but I close her in. I won’t take what she isn’t willing to give, but I’ll certainly hold out a piece of candy to tempt her to give in to her hunger.

“Ten years ago, we were young and stupid. We both lived for the moment and we had a wonderful time, but now we’re grown and for some reason, we’re drawn to each other. We had an incredible weekend that showed us both we’re still hot for eachother. I think it’s more. Why shouldn’t we explore whatever this is? Why won’t you let go? It can’t cause any harm.” My mouth is only inches from hers.

My body thickens as her eyes trail down my face and feast on my lips. She runs her tongue out and swipes it on her bottom lip before biting down as if trying not to speak. I can practically feel her heartbeat increase as her breathing deepens. She’s as much in a trance as I am.

“What’s the matter, Cori? Hungry?”

When her hand lifts, her fingers scorch me through the material of my shirt. I want to tug her into my arms, but I don’t want to halt the progress we’re making. I also don’t want to kiss her into submission. I want her to let go and let me love her because she needs it as much as I do.

Instead of grabbing me though, she pushes. I could easily withstand the pressure but I also have to show her I’m not trying to control her. With reluctance, I take a step back. The surprise in her eyes is my reward. Picking up her backpack, Cori begins to walk. I’m at her side in an instant.

“I have a great job, Blaze. I have a good life. I don’t need you coming in and messing it all up.” She continues looking straight ahead.

We reach her office without saying another word. When she steps inside, I follow, my eyes going directly to her desk. I grow even harder. This night can go one of two ways. I’m really hoping for it to go the way I desperately need it to.

“I have a lot of papers to grade, Blaze.” This time her voice comes out strong and determined. I love the professor voice. It only adds to my arousal.

“I’m not letting you quit.” I lock her door. A slight panic flickers through her eyes before she gets herself under control. She takes in a measured breath and I wait to see what she’ll say next.

“I’m doing what I want — not caving into your demands.”

“Okay,” I simply say. This seems to take her back. She gazes at me incredulously and waits for the other shoe to drop. “I’ve always wanted to learn about the Civil War. I need to catch up on my history.”

“What are you talking about?”

“If you won’t come to me, I’m going to have to come to you forevery single lecture. I’ll be your shadow.”

“Then you’ll have to pay tuition.”

I grin. Damn it feels good sparring with her. Never before would I have put so much effort into one woman. Cori isn’t just anyone though — she’s incredible and well worth the pursuit.

“I’ll register tonight.”

Hands on her hips, she glares at me for several moments before her shoulders droop. She doesn’t look away quick enough for me to see the excitement in her eyes though. She’s enjoying this as much as I am.

“If I tell you I’ll think about it, will you go away?”

“Nope. I want commitment.” I’m not willing to budge an inch.

After several moments, her lips twitch. She fights it, but she’s enjoying herself. It’s looking more and more as if this night might go in the direction I hoped.

“Fine!” she snaps. “I’ll finish the treasure hunt.” I feel as if I just won the lottery. I also can’t stand not touching her for one second longer.

“Good. Now that business is over, it’s time for pleasure.” I step closer. She backs away from me, until her messy desk stops her. Her eyes widen as I lay my hands on the desk and box her in.

“Any protests, Cori?” I lightly brush my lips against hers. Fire burns in her eyes. Damn, I hope not... It looks like my fantasy is about to become reality, and with the single most beautiful woman I ever knew. I’m certainly hot for the teacher. That song was written for a reason.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Blaze’s lips gently caress mine and I slowly melt against my desk. No matter how many times I tell myself this is wrong, I can’t seem to stop it — don’t want to stop it. It’s foolish to think I have a choice. I hunger for this man, and no amount of self-recrimination is going to stop what I feel.

“I’ve had a fantasy since I was a teenager that involves a teacher’s desk,” Blaze says with a chuckle as he trails his lips down the side of my neck.