Page 54 of I'm Yours

“Let’s get you laid down.”

“No,” I say, an edge of panic in my voice.

“What? Are you in pain?” He immediately stops his movement.

“No. I just don’t want to move.”

Blaze sighs and gently squeezes me. “Then we won’t.” I feel his lips against my temple and close my eyes. His hand gentlyrubs along my back and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so much peace in my entire life. This is where I belong.

When the fogginess takes me under, I don’t care. I’m safe in Blaze’s arms and he isn’t going to leave me — at least not while I’m injured. I’m almost grateful for the dang snake now. I fall asleep with a content smile on my lips. For now, I don’t have a single worry in the world and I know exactly where I belong.

Chapter Twenty-Five


It’s pitch-black when I awaken with Cori stirring against me. My body throbs where her legs press against my groin. She’s completely wrapped around me, something I normally love, but with her being injured, I’m not a huge fan of the situation. I can’t be near this woman without being ready to take her. It’s so much more than satisfaction, too, it’s about being one with her, something I’ve never even thought about with any other woman in my life. That was about a happy ending. It’s so much more with Cori.

I want to kick myself for having such an insensitive response to the woman when it hasn’t even been forty-eight hours since she was hurt. Man, I was terrified when I saw that snake strike and watched the pain filter across her face before she let out an anguished cry. My heart raced and my mind completely blanked for a few seconds before I managed to prod myself into action. I had to help her — had to save her. I had to make sure nothing happened to her.

I was a fool for a long time. I know this beyond a doubt. I’ve always sought adventure, the more dangerous the better, and Ihaven’t allowed myself to stay in any place long enough for roots to grow. Only now, I don’t understand why I’ve been this way. I have a great home, and great people in my life. Why have I always felt the need to run? Is it because I lost my parents young and I don’t want to lose anyone else? I have no idea.

As I fell asleep with Cori in my arms the night before, I felt more peace than I ever have while doing all of those things I thought I needed to do to be happy. What if all I need is this one woman? I don’t want to think about that, because if it’s true, I’ve already wasted too much time. I shift and Cori moans, instantly making me feel guilty. I’m too restless and I’ve disturbed her.

“Did I wake you?” I pull her closer to me, though it causes me almost unbearable pain. I’ll take on any amount of pain to ease even a modicum of hers.

“No, I feel like I’ve been sleeping for a million years.” She snuggles in closer, instead of pulling away, and I can’t help but like it. The only light shining in the room comes from the hallway, but it’s enough for me to be able to see her beautiful features. Even sick, she’s the most stunning woman I’ve ever known. Her beauty radiates from the inside out.

“You’ve been in and out for almost forty-eight hours, so that can feel like a million years.”

“Are you serious?” She gasps and pulls back to look at me with horror in her eyes.

“You were obviously tired and needed the rest. Do you need more pain meds?”

She shakes her head against me. “It aches a little, but if I take them, I’ll just fall asleep again and I don’t want to do that.”

I look at the clock and see that it’s three in the morning. This means I’ve slept for the past nine hours straight. I can’t remember the last time I’ve slept that long. I was up for about thirty-six hours before that, but still... there’s too much to do in life to waste time with sleeping for a third of our lives.

“Why don’t I draw a bath for you? I’m sure it will feel like heaven.”

The thought of her in a soapy tub has my body growing even thicker and harder. This caretaking is going to kill me. But it will be worth it when she’s at a hundred percent. Then I can go back to seducing her again. By the time she’s better we’ll both need each other just as much.

“That sound perfect. But I can do it myself.”

“Nope. Doctor’s orders are that you rest and be served.” I’m reluctant to untangle our bodies and I swear she whimpers when I pull away from her. My lips turn up as I practically hum on my way to the bathroom.

I take a two-minute shower to wash away the rest of my sleepiness, then start a bath for Cori. I’m grateful to see some fruity sudsy stuff beneath the counter. I’m not sure who put it there, but it works. When the tub’s full I go back into the room and find Cori sitting on the edge of the bed. She seems exhausted from doing even this much. I walk over and she looks at me with frustration. She’s far too independent to rely on anyone else. As much as I want to show her she can count on me, we both know I’m not that reliable. I’m here for her now, but both of us are wondering for how long. I hate that this thought crosses my mind.

“I can’t believe how tired I am, especially considering how much I’ve slept.” She pouts.

“It’s understandable. I’m sure the bath will help.”

She tries to push up but I put out a hand, stopping her. She looks at me in confusion and I smile. I really enjoy being in charge, her knight in shining armor. I’ve never played this role before. Without asking for permission, I reach down and scoop her into my arms. A gasp escapes her, but her arms automatically circle my neck to keep from wobbling as I swiftly move to the bathroom.

“I can walk.”

“I know.” I don’t set her down until we’re at the tub. “I’ll be glad to help you get out of your pajamas.” Heat runs through me at the thought, even though I only say it to tease her.

Unbelievably, Cori’s cheeks flush. It isn’t as if I haven’t seen her naked before. But maybe one of the qualities that attracts her to me is her innocence. I’ve always thought I liked bad girls, but none of them compare to my sweet Cori. Damn, am I getting some girly thoughts in my head! I need a shot of whiskey, STAT.