Page 50 of I'm Yours

“What does that mean?” I ask with desperation as he reaches for my office door.

He gives me one more smile and then slips out my door. I fall back into my chair and close my eyes, but this only leads to images of the two of us and what we just did together. I’ll never be able to be in my office again without thinking of Blaze. The scoundrel knew this from the first kiss. And the wall I was trying to keep between the two of us crumbles just a little bit more.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I can’t remember the last time I was on the sea in a boat, enjoying the wind blowing in my hair, clear skies, and the smell of salt in the air. I wish I wasn’t enjoying myself so much, but I love being in the open water, away from the hordes of people who line the shores.

The waves are calm, and the wind’s mild. If it wasn’t for my scattered nerves, I’d be in a brilliant mood. But I’m trying not to think about the fact that I’m alone with Blaze again for the first time since our office sex romp, or that we’re going to a small island where the chances of seeing other people are slim.

I’ll be a professional and enjoy my adventure with him — maybe get some of this restlessness out of my system. I have to remind myself that Blaze isn’t a man who will ever settle down. He’s too full of excitement, too ready to seek the next big thrill. That’s okay. I accept this — or at least I’m trying to.

Even knowing all of this, I’m exhausted. I haven’t been sleeping well, and it’s a good thing we aren’t rock climbing or doing anything strenuous, or I fear I’d either slow us down or end up at the bottom of a canyon.

Our silence has been terrible though, and I’m itching to talk about anything to stop the screaming in my own head. Normally I’m a smart woman. But when Blaze is involved, I seem to lose at least half of my brain cells. We arrive at the island after a two-hour boat ride, and both of us slip into our hiking boots and hats. It’s a normal, sunny day, and we have a map to follow.

“Do you have the food?” Blaze asks.

“Yes, got it. Let’s see how well my legs are going to do on dry land. It’s been a long time since I was on a boat.”

“I have faith in you.” For a moment our eyes meet, and there’s so much unspoken between us in these few minutes that it takes my breath away.

I wonder if it’s really possible for a person to change. Am I holding on to the past so I can protect my present and future? The more I’m with this man I was once so in love with, the more I wonder. But this is a dangerous road to go down, and I’m torn.

We slowly begin walking the path of our map, in search of the next clue on our treasure hunt, and before long the stress of the past few days starts to fade away. Although we don’t see any other people on the small island, there’s a world of color and sound to keep me highly entertained.

Soon, stress and anxiety are replaced by magic and possibilities. I can dwell on my possible heartache, or I can live in the moment and enjoy it for what it is. I choose the latter. The map leads us to a set of caves, and my heart’s racing.

“We’re going to need the headlamps,” Blaze says as he pulls them from his pack.

“Are you sure it’s safe in there?”

“I thought you wanted adventure.”

“I think it all seems a lot more glamorous in my mind, when I’m sitting behind the safety of my desk,” I say with a nervous laugh.

“I won’t let anything happen to you.” I look over at him and wonder if he truly means these words. I want to question him about it, but decide to go with the magic. In my magical world, I don’t need to ask these types of questions.

We step inside the dark cavern and I stay close to Blaze as the walls narrow, some places so tight we have to squeeze through individually. Other spots are large enough for us to walk side by side.

“How big are these caverns?” My voice echoes off the walls in an eerie way that makes me nudge a little closer to Blaze. I feel safer when I’m touching him. It would be very easy to get lost in this cold, dark place.

“I’m not sure. There’s a ledge. Let’s sit down, have a snack, and try to figure out the map.” I follow him to the ledge and pull out our sandwiches while he studies the map before him. We absentmindedly scan the map, then shine our lights around the cavern.

“We go to the left here, through that tunnel, then it shouldn’t be more than another half mile,” he says as we finish our food.

“You’re sure we aren’t going to get lost in here, our bones found in a hundred years?” I question as I zip my pack and stand.

“I can’t guarantee anything.” He chuckles. “But if we do get lost forever, at least we’re together.”

“That’s not reassuring. Maybe we should head back.” We’re already deep in the mountain. I’m not sure how much farther I want to go.

“Then our treasure hunt will be over. We won’t know where the next clue will lead us.”

“Okay. I never was one to give up.”

“When this is over and I figure out what it is this stranger and Gramps wanted me to learn, the two of us will celebrate in a beautiful place with an expensive bottle of champagne.”