Page 28 of I'm Yours

“Just because I’m curious about who she really is doesn’t mean I’m interested.” I scowl.

“Okay then, find someone else to do the game with you.”

“She’s smart and when I told her about it, her eyes sparkled in the most amazing way. She wants to solve this puzzle.” This is a good enough excuse to spend more time with her.

That sparkle in her eyes makes my groin tighten... and that should be impossible right now after having her in my arms again and again. I can almost taste her on my lips right now. Even though there were a lot of women after Cori, none have come even remotely as close to my heart as she had that summer so long ago... or this weekend for that matter.

Besides, I always fantasized about doing it on a teacher’s desk. The fantasy was always with another student, not the teacher. But I’m well aware this professor doesn’t do a good job of hiding her wild side once she’s in the throes of passion. I got a taste of it this past weekend. She tries to hide the woman she once was and I don’t understand it. We make magic together. Who would want to turn away from that? Not a smart, rational person.

“Where’d you go, brother?” Zach asks with a knowing chuckle.

“Nowhere,” I say too quickly before I glare at my brother. “Okay, fine, the professor intrigues me. I won’t be around long enough to do anything about it though.”

“For not liking the professor you seem awfully obsessed.”

“I don’t become obsessed. I sate my needs, then it’s adios.”

“You’re proud of this?” Zach asks with a bit of disgust.

“Damn straight I am. I don’t want to get locked down, and a woman is the first step toward a noose secured around your throat.” I reach up and rub my neck as if the noose is already here, tightening by the second.

“I had the same attitude as you for a very long time,” Zach tells me. “Like I said, I’m changing.” I want to mock my brother, but I hold back.

“Of course you are. But you’re the kind of man who always settles down. You can’t be a corporate giant without an obedient spouse at your side running the parties.” I chuckle. Zach obviously doesn’t find me amusing as he growls low in his throat. I’m impressed. I didn’t think my brother had it in him to growl.

“Do you have anything to say worth speaking about?”

I laugh. “We’re having company tonight.”

This makes Zach look up. “Who?”

“The professor,” I say as I jump to my feet. “She’ll be here in about an hour so I should probably shower so I don’t smell like a mud pit.”

“So it’s okay to stink in front of me?”

“You aren’t a sexy package dying to be unwrapped.” I wink.

“I thought you said you weren’t going there with her.”

“Yeah, I say a lot of things. You should know by now I’m full of it.” He laughs as he shakes his head. I just shrug. I might be classified as crazy right now. It’s a good thing I don’t give a damn.

I leave Zach behind as I bound from the den and out of the main house to one of the guesthouses. For fighting my attraction, I’m a little too excited about the professor’s visit. Maybe I should rethink this. We could always play the gameandwarm the sheets at the same time. She’s wild in bed, even if she said that was a one-and-done. Why not make this adventure a lot more fun? It isn’t like we haven’t done it before. There’s comfort in familiarity. Making this decision puts me in a much better mood. The professor wants me, and I’m just the person to remind her of how much.

I find myself whistling as I jump into my large shower with amazing jet sprays. I’m not going to analyze why I’m so damn excited right now. I’m just going to live for the moment as I do this best in life. We burn together so it’s a serious crime not to be together. We can solve a puzzle and make the nights go up in flames. Win-win.

Chapter Fourteen


I’m unbelievably nervous as my car pulls up to the ranch house where I spent so much time with Blaze when I was eighteen years old. Why had I allowed Blaze Brannigan to talk me into this? Didn’t I learn years ago that I can’t trust this man? Some lessons take more time than others to learn.

One thing I knew from the moment Blaze dropped me off, though, was that it would be nearly impossible to walk away from this adventure. Maybe it’s the closure I desperately need when it comes to him. Or my love of adventure. It’s most likely my inability to walk away from a mystery. Whatever it is, I’m here, and no matter how much I might want to make myself walk away, it just isn’t happening.

I’d spent the entire night researching the poem Blaze left with me, wishing I had the map to go with it. But he’s a smart man. He knew if I had all of the pieces I wouldn’t need him, and therefore wouldn’t come to the ranch.

I’d rather not come. It’s messing with my headandmy heart. But I refuse to go down that road. I’m simply doing a job and refuse to allow it to be a problem. I’m a reasonable person. Idon’t deal inwhat ifsorwhat could have beens.I look at what I can verify, touch, physically feel. Emotions are nothing more than a nuisance, and I push them down. When Blaze and I are done with this impossible task, I’ll leave and not think of him again.

Good. Now that my emotions are under control, I feel better — or so I tell myself. But as I gaze at the cabin where I’d thought my dreams were coming true so long ago, I’m well aware that I’m a fool.