Page 27 of I'm Yours

“The cleaning staff will charge us triple with you around.”

“We have the money,” I cavalierly say. I don’t often make this type of comment, and I instantly want to take it back. I won’t though. That’s admitting I might be wrong.

“The past few months have changed me, Blaze,” Zach says. What the hell? It’s not just Callan making changes. If I were being honest with myself I might admit I’ve changed too. I won’t do this though. Instead I focus on Zach.

He’s right. I see the changes in my brother. Our world has been flipped upside down and Zach’s adapting fast to it. Callan as well. I seem to be the only one who can’t keep my feet on the ground. “You’ve been around longer than you have since you left, so it’s changing you as well.”

“I’m not sure what I’m doing,” I admit as I step forward. I need a drink since I seem to be losing my mind.

“Okay,” Zach says, drawing out the word.

I let out a sigh. “This damn woman from my past is screwing with my head.” I’m shocked as I admit this. I walk out of the kitchen with Zach behind me. We reach the den and I head straight to the liquor cabinet and pull out the most expensive label, which happens to be a bottle of Scotch, pour myself a double, and drink it down before turning toward Zach with a raised brow.

“Sure,” Zach says with a laugh. “I’d love a glass ofmyliquor.”

“Oh, don’t act so put out. It’s not like you can’t afford to replace the bottle,” I grumble. “Did I just see an eye roll from you?” I let out a laugh, which feels good.

“What in the heck is up with you, Blaze?” Zach asks. “You’re acting like a kid.”

“Something about being in this house makes me feel at least ten years younger,” I say as I pour each of us a glass of the expensive Scotch.

“That would still put you at twenty-three.Hardlya child,” Zach points out.

“Don’t you ever want to let loose, brother? There was a time we had so much fun together, but now you’re always so damn serious.”

“I’m a responsible adult, Blaze. That’s what we do.” It appears tragedy is only able to change my brother so much.

I move to the couch in the center of the room and sit back, lifting my feet and placing my dirty boots on the pristine coffee table. Zach doesn’t say anything this time. Maybe my brother’s loosening up a little bit, after all.

“That’s why I like having zero responsibilities. I live on the road, go where the jobs take me, and I have a hell of a lot of memories because of it. Can you say the same?”

“I have no regrets about my life,” Zach says.

“Seriously, brother, loosen the hell up,” I practically yell.

“Or you could settle down and learn responsibility,” Zach counters.

“Maybe we can meet in the middle somewhere.” I didn’t come home to fight with either of my brothers, but it seems I can’t help myself. It’s so easy to ruffle Zach’s feathers; I often forget how much I actually love him.

“Compromise has never been my strongest suit — yours either.” Zach relaxes as he looks at me and smiles.

“True. We’re a bit stubborn. But not nearly as uptight as the professor I was with this weekend.” I instantly scowl as Cori flashes before my eyes.

“Seems like she got to you,” Zach says with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Don’t begin to think it’s anything,” I warn. “She changes faster than a caterpillar into a butterfly. One minute she’s laughing and free, then the next she’s so damn stiff she doesn’tneed a chair to sit. All she has to do is bend her knees and we have an instant bench.”

“Interesting,” Zach says.

“Don’t say it like that,” I snap. “It isn’t interesting. She’snotmy type. I don’t do uptight brainiacs. I like a wilder woman, one who isn’t afraid of a little dirt and fast times.”

“For not liking her, your first date was a long weekend,” Zach points out.

“It was good while we were there, but the second the adventure ended she was back to wearing glasses and giving me disapproving looks. Trust me, she’snotmy type,” I insist. At least she isn’t my type anymore. At one point, she’d been exactly what I never knew I wanted.

Her tight updo and fascinating eyes flash before my vision. I really want to undo her hair again, remove the glasses, and slowly unbutton her shirt... Whoa! This isn’t a place my thoughts need to be going while in a room with my brother. I thought a weekend would satisfy me. I was wrong.

“You seem awfully flustered, given the woman isn’t your type.” Zach smirks.