Page 20 of I'm Yours

I laugh when he meets me outside at the waiting yoga mats, wearing clothes that once again don’t leave a lot to the imagination. I’m impressed as we begin the relaxing routine. This isn’t a strenuous class. It seems everything done here is to put a person into an ultimate state of relaxation.

I’m impressed with how well Blaze does as we strike different poses. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go back to the gym for regular yoga after being in nature with the birds chirping, the sound of the stream flowing behind us, and the smell of fresh mountain air filtering through me. It’s the most amazing experience I’ve ever had and would make me a workout junkie if I could have this every single day back at home.

I’m both tired and exhilarated as we finish. I’m also hungry. I had a big breakfast and lunch, but we were busy all day. I’m not normally this active while teaching all day. It feels good. Maybe I need to take my classes on some field trips. I’ll have to look into it and see if I’m allowed. Being sedentary day in and day out can’t be healthy.

“Why don’t we get cleaned up and go to the main lodge? They have a live band tonight and a barbeque,” Blaze tells me.

“Oh, that sounds like a wonderful time,” I say, meaning it.

“Okay, you go change and I’ll meet you back here in an hour.”

I nod and walk back to the cabin. I’m a little sore, but I like the feeling. Some people complain about being sore after working out, but I love it because it means all of the hard work is paying off. It’s great.

When I step into the cabin, I notice Blaze’s stuff isn’t here. I shouldn’t be disappointed, but it looks like we aren’t sharing the small space. This is good, I assure myself. I look at thebed, though, and all I feel is bummed. It’s been fun with him today, and I can’t think of a more perfect ending than the two of us tangled up in the sheets. How am I going to find out it’s mediocre or terrible if we don’t have sex?

It doesn’t take long to shower and change. It’s a warm evening so I decide on a flirty summer dress and flats because there’s no way I’m attempting heels on the trails here. I don’t do too well walking in them anyway. I don’t wear the torture devices enough to be comfortable in them.

I head back to the lodge, hearing the sound of music and laughter. I smile as I make my way to the back of the lodge where lights are set up and about a hundred people are sitting around tables eating or dancing. Blaze finds me quickly.

“You look beautiful,” he says as he takes his time looking me up and down. A shiver rushes through me. I try to remind myself what Shari said, our minds trick us into thinking something was more wonderful than it actually was.

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” I admit. The grin he gives me is worth the compliment.

He leads me to a table loaded with all sorts of food. I’m hungry but have a difficult time eating as I sit across from Blaze and listen to the band play tune after tune. It grows darker out, the stars sparkling in the sky, and when he asks me to dance I don’t hesitate. I’ve been waiting for this moment from the second I saw him standing in my doorway back in Seattle.

As soon as I’m in Blaze’s arms, my decision is made. If I don’t make love to this man again, I’ll never be free of the spell he has over me. I move a little closer to him, rubbing my body against his. He leans his head back and looks me in the eyes, questioning. I give him a nod, and his eyes burn into mine.

“Are you sure?” he asks. He’s not playing stupid... and neither am I.

“Very,” I say. He doesn’t say anything more, just pulls back, grabs my hand, and leads me away from the crowd. Finally!

Chapter Ten


I walk hand in hand with Blaze as we make our way to my small, private cabin. I’m floating on clouds. I’ve made up my mind. I don’t care if this man is for hire. I want this. I know beyond a doubt that it needs to happen. Maybe this place is enchanted. I’ve felt strong emotions since yesterday, and today those feelings have grown stronger, and I don’t want to fight it anymore.

Not a word is spoken as we walk inside the cabin, the bed taking up most of the space. We don’t need anything more than a bed. Blaze looks in my eyes, and I’m lost to anything but him as he moves toward me.

“If you keep looking at me like this, I’m going to rip off your clothes and this will end too quickly,” he warns. Heat floods me. I don’t say anything but my body trembles as I smile at him.

“I’m barely holding on here, Cori.”

I’m not sure how, but one word escapes my mouth. “Now.”

His eyes dilate as he looks at me. My breath grows shallower. “I don’t want you to regret this,” he says, his voice barely recognizable.

“I won’t.” My voice is stronger this time. I want this. He doesn’t argue any further.

He closes the distance between us and pulls me tightly against him, then brushes his lips against mine with such gentleness it almost feels like love, which is a stupid, foolish thought on my part. I’m too turned on to analyze it though.

He kisses me until I’m shaking, and then slowly begins peeling my clothes away. I want to move faster, but my brain’s too fuzzy to ask for anything. Our clothes melt away as he lays me on the bed, then stands before me for several moments, gazing at my body. I feel a tinge of embarrassment, a need to cover myself, but as I look at his naked body, it’s more than obvious how much he desires me. There’s no reason for me to hide.

He joins me on the bed and a moan escapes my lips as he skims his fingers across my stomach, slowly moving higher to brush my breasts. He barely touches me and my heart thunders, my breath halts, and my core heats.

Letting go of my worries and focusing only on Blaze and the pleasure he’s bringing me is all I can do. I need him — want him — lust for only his touch. It’s just the two of us and nothing else matters.

He leans into me and runs his lips across mine — not long enough to satisfy the need within me, but enough to stoke the flames ever higher. He kisses my cheeks, my neck, my jaw, then moves back to my lips, not connecting them in the way I need us to connect.