“You know, you’re right. Let’s just let it go. It’s done.”

I walked away from him, closer to the cottage. Thick black smoke filled the air, making me want to choke. It had been my home, Charlie’s home, and it was gone. When the last of the embers died out, I’d go and see what I could gather of our things, and then…

I wasn’t sure. Go with Kicks? All the reasons I’d said no to him were still there. But for now, I had to regroup, and I couldn’t waste my energy on someone who wouldn’t take any of my thoughts into consideration.

I walked back to the cottage, where almost the entire pack all gathered around, watching it burn, taking turns looking at me as well.

I didn’t know what to do. Where to go.

Groza walked over again a few minutes later, doing her victory lap.

“We’re packed in pretty tight, but Gillian has graciously offered you the spare bed in her daughter’s room. Duncan and I will take Charlie to our place.”

“No. He stays with me.” I’d kill her here on the spot before I’d let her take Charlie.

“Her and Charlie are going to take my bedroom,” Rastin said. “I’ve already made plans to bunk elsewhere.”

“Thank you,” I said.

He nodded, as if to say not to worry about it.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“My train is gone,”Charlie said.

“I’ll find you a new one.” I was going through bags of clothing that Buddie had brought me a few minutes ago, trying to figure out where to put it. Rastin had told me I could use his bureau, but it felt strange to shove our things in there.

They didn’t even feel like our things, but other than what we’d had on our backs, it was all we had now.

“Where am I going to get a train like that? Duncan gave it to me. I’ve never seen one like that before. It was special.” Charlie was sitting on Rastin’s bed, staring at me as if it would be a true miracle to get another one of those trains.

“I’ll find you a train,” I said, trying to be patient. It should’ve been easier, but everything was a struggle right now.

“I know a good place filled with nothing but trains. I’ll bring you there,” Kicks said from the door.

I whipped my head to him, feeling as if the tension coursing through my body had decreased a hair. At least he was someone who wanted to keep me alive and who didn’t hold Groza as his first priority.

It was impossible for him to have not seen the blackened cottage next door, or what was left of it. Even if he’d been blind, the entire area stank of smoke.

“Headed over because I saw the plume. Wanted to make sure everything was okay.” He cleared his throat, giving me a pointed look.

“They say it was from a broom leaning on the wood stove.” Might as well head it off, because the gossip mill would make sure he heard.

He shook his head, as if it were too ridiculous to even comment upon, and gave me a pointed look. “You’re lucky you weren’t in there sleeping whatever started it.”

I’d known thatI told you sowas coming. I’d give him this one. He deserved it. Plus, it was nice to not have to convince someone that I hadn’t started it.

“Wanted to see if you needed a place to go.” His brows rose, as if maybe I was finally ready to make the sane choice.

“No. Not yet.” The last thing I was going to do was run out of here, tail between my legs. Not only was I staying here, I’d march right into that roast tonight with my head high, because even if no one else believed it, I hadn’t burned down the cottage. If they didn’t believe me, they could all go to hell. If it wasn’t for Charlie needing a pack, I’d leave the whole lot of them, go find a little house somewhere completely abandoned, and call it a day on shifters and humans alike.Thatwas my mood right now.

“They’re doing a game tournament tonight,” Kicks said, giving Charlie a nudge and a knowing smirk.

“Is Crackers there? Magnum?” It was the first time in hours he didn’t look like he was on the verge of tears.

Kicks nodded.

Charlie’s head swiveled to me. “Can I go? Please?”