“Don’t get lost and make sure you eat,” I yelled after him, knowing I’d probably have to put out a search party for him later.

His friends were smiling as he ran over, and Minks handed him one of the two burgers he had piled on his plate. As much as I felt like a sore thumb in this place, he was already one of them. He’d grow up with the pack as if he’d been born into it. If nothing else gave me a sense of comfort, watching him laugh with his friends helped me get to sleep at night. It wasn’t enough to keep me asleepall night, but it was something.

The guys all seemed to form a buffer around me, as if they’d had this planned. It kept most of the curious and crazy away, but it was still like being on a stage.

I was trying to get through a leg of meat with as much dignity as possible when I sensed the change in the atmosphere. The second Duncan and Groza entered the gathering, I knew. It wasn’t because Jaysa’s powers were overwhelming me, or some other impressive sixth sense was filling my body with magic. It was because every person there turned my way, then looked at them, then back at me. As if every soul here knew there was some underlying tension between Duncan and me. If they hadn’t, Rastin’s talk on the way over had certainly enlightened them.

I sidled up to Buddie. “Thanks. Soooo glad I came.”

“What are you talking about?” he asked, playing dumb, but I could see him trying to fight laughter.

I would’ve elbowed him, but not with all these big eyes watching. It was as if they were all hanging on every word and dissecting every movement.

“You know.”

He tilted his head and tried to look bashful.

I focused on my food, trying to ignore the looks, the people leaning in closer and whispering to each other.

It wasn’t until a few minutes later, when Buddie was sighing and Trevor looked like his ears were perking up, that it was clear trouble was coming.

I should’ve handed off my plate and gotten out of there, but I didn’t. I scanned the crowd in the direction of the stares, even when I knew I shouldn’t. Duncan was there and heading toward me. This was exactly why I’d told myself not to look, but of course I’d done it anyway. The only good thing it had accomplished was giving me a minute or so to hightail it out of there, instead of having to fake some sort of civility while he was standing right in front of me.

Dammit. This was exactly why I hadn’t wanted to come. How many times was he going to seek me out?

“Here,” I said, handing Buddie my plate. “And walk Charlie home. He’s playing. I don’t want to drag him out of here, but it’s time for me to leave.”

I didn’t wait for him to speak or agree. There was no time.

I tried to dodge and weave my way out of the crowd, but it was as if everyone kept blocking my way on purpose. By the time I broke free from the pack, I thought I’d lost him. But somehow he popped up in front of me mere yards from my cottage.

“What do you want?” I sounded like I was about to pull my hair out, and that was exactly how I felt. All I wanted to do wasavoid Duncan and this situation. The last couple days, it felt like I couldn’t shake him.

It wasn’t as if I was afraid to speak to him. I didn’twantto speak to him. The first time I ever met Duncan, my instinct had been to run. Well, I was finally listening to my own advice, and if fate would cooperate, things might get better.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize we needed to talk,again, and so soon. What did you need?” My tone was calm, collected, and definitely cool. So cool he should be getting frostbite about now.

He stood there, both of us in the middle of the road like we were having some awkward showdown. “I’m not asking for anything but to be civil. I didn’t like how we left things. I wanted to see if you’re doing all right.”

He wanted to check on me, the poor, rejected girl? Was that what this was? This might’ve been worse than his trying to steal a kiss.

“I don’t need anyone to check in on me. I’m fine. We can be civil, but I think we should keep our interactions to a minimum.”

“We live in a small community. We’re going to see each other constantly.”

“But we don’t need to seek each other out. It’s for the best that we don’t talk unless necessary.”

“We went from living together to not speaking at all?”

“When you get mated to someone who isn’t the same person who you were kissing, things get awkward like that. I don’t know why you did it. If it was for Charlie, I’m forever grateful. But I guess it doesn’t matter if it was or wasn’t. You’re with a woman who hates me, and we weren’t exactlyjustfriends. Whatever there was between us? It’s long gone.”

“I did what was best.”

“Yes, I’m sure you did whatyouthought was best. I wish you all the best with your mate.”

He glanced over my shoulder, and I stiffened, knowing exactly who was coming.

The queen of the prom was heading our way now. This was exactly what I’d wanted to avoid.