Page 4 of Out of Nowhere

“Don’t look at me like that,” she said. “You think I’m going to be judging you? Now, of all times, when the person you want to kill is on my list as well? On everyone’s list, for that matter? If Herrick ever got control of Nowhere there’d be nothing good left of this place. It would turn into a logistical base for foreign armies.”

“I’m glad we have the same people on our kill lists.” It wasn’t a normal thing to be happy about. If I was back on Earth, lying on a psychiatrist’s couch, they might be trying to commit me into the psych ward. But Earth didn’t have situations quite like this, at least not out in the open. There was a lot that was going on behind the scenes, though, that I’d been oblivious to.

She smiled. “You know, I dig the bloodlust. You really are improving with age.”

“Are you sure it can’t be undone?” I asked, wishing that I could root for one answer or the other fully and not feel like I was split in two.

“He had to force a piece of what makes himhiminto you.” She made a little ripping gesture and then put her fist into her palm. “I’m not a Ph.D. of Kradix physiology, but I’d bet my last lollipop that in order to undo it, he’d have to be able to get that piece back out of you.”

“Then it doesn’t really matter what he tries. It’s done.” Another couple pounds ofguilt had just landed on my shoulder, but there was nothing to be done. I’d made the choice, and it was what it was now.

She nodded. “So, how is it? Does it feel different somehow?”

“The power? Like it wants to burst forth, so much so I’m kind of afraid to let it go at all. At least until it’s time to.”

“I want that bastard dead as much as you do.” Cookie had a bloodlust shining in her eyes that rivaled mine.

I nodded, even as I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting Herrick dead as much as I did. I’d give my life to end his.

* * *

I was sitting on the stairs when Kaden got back. His gaze went to the bag by my feet. “Let me guess, you’re going to leave because you don’t like the way I’m handling things?”

“You said to be ready this afternoon. I wasn’t sure how long we’d be gone.” I’d been stuck without basics before. It sucked. Even if this turned out to be a wild goose chase, I was heading out prepared.

“You’re agreeing to help me undo this?” His eyes somehow grew deeper, as if nothing about this scenario made sense.

He’d gotten exactly what he’d requested, or at least it appeared as much. Where was the look of victory on his face? Instead he was frozen in his usual stoic expression.

“When I did what I did, I was unaware there would be consequences for you. So if you can find someone or some way to undo it, then we should get it undone.” Even as I said it, I realized I wasn’t lying. Considering what a lousy liar I was, he must’ve sensed the truth in my words as well.

Turned out there was one other thing that drove me as much as vengeance—the desire to not be unwanted, even if that meant I’d be alone. If he could undo this, I wouldn’t stop him. I wasn’t going to end up with someone just because they’d gotten stuck with me. But there was a compromise, in case he could pull this off.

“I have only one thing I’d like to ask in return. I don’t think it’s a big thing, considering you are partially responsible for my condition as well.”

“What?” he asked, as if here came the big “but” that would prove I wasn’t being cooperative at all.

I stood. This was something that you needed to say on your feet. “If there is a way to undo it and time isn’t of the essence, I want to wait until after Herrick is dead. I want to kill him, and I’ll need everything I have at my disposal to do so.” Not only had Herrick turned my grandmother against me, which had led to the fight that killed her, he’d kept me stuck in his castle, half dead.

I’d been trapped in a shell of myself, helpless. I’d barely existed, lying there, wondering when I’d have so little life left that I’d cease to exist.

Kaden waited, as if there would be something more. As the seconds stretched out, he finally said, “Fair enough. If I can give you time, I will.”

I grabbed my bag. “Then where are we heading?”

His jaw shifted, and again he was standing there, letting the time tick by.

“I know I said we’d go today, but something else has come up. We’ll go tomorrow morning.”

“Huh?” I was still holding on to my bag, feeling as if I’d misheard him.

“I didn’t think you were going to be this cooperative, so I made other plans.” He walked down the hall, toward his office.

When had my lack of cooperation ever changed his plans? What the hell was going on here? What had happened to the Kaden I knew?

Chapter Three

A week later…