Page 37 of Merging Factions

“Fine. This better be one helluva surprise, Luca.”

“It is. Now get a move on. I’ll be waiting for you.” With that, I give her a peck on the forehead and leave her to do her thing.

When I make it down the steps and into the dining room, it’s merry and chaotic. The kind that makes a man feel proud and whole. Kids are laughing as they pack their plates full of waffles, sausage, bacon, eggs, biscuits, and a myriad of fruit. You’d think they’d never eaten before with as high as their piling the food on.

Julius comes up next to me, wearing his own smile as he watches Shayne interact with the abbey kids. “They weren’t allowed to openly talk while eating. They’re having a blast and are making up for lost time.”

“I see this,” I chuckle, nodding my head in their direction. “It’s good to hear laughter filling this house.”

“It’s been a while,” he states, nudging my shoulder.

“Too damn long,” I add, remembering when he and I were teens ourselves, and caused a ruckus with our wild and reckless ways. We kept the staff on their toes, they never knew what mischief we’d cause next. Our parents were never interested in us enough to make sure we were behaving. It was essentially up to us to keep an eye on each other, which never is a good idea when you have two boys who love nothing more than to cause the most damage they possibly can.

We were nuts.

We’d slide down the banisters, jump off the second-floor landing onto a mattress we’d dragged into the foyer from one of the guest suites, and dare each other to climb the tallest tree and parachute out of it with nothing more than a bed sheet. Neither Julius, nor me, could ever say no, the repercussions were disastrous to our badass reputation if we did. Our brotherly agreement was if either of us said no or didn’t follow through out of fear, we’d have to dress in one of my mother’s ball gowns and let the victor take photographs—for blackmail material. We were cold and ruthless to each other, no wonder I’m as fucked up as I am.

“I dare you to—” Julius slams his hand down over my mouth before I get a chance to complete my sentence.

“We’re not going there, Luca,” he states, but I see the interest shining in his eyes.

When he removes his hand, I ask, “What would we use against each other to force compliance anyway? There’s no way I’d ever fit into a dress these days.”

“I don’t even wanna know,” Julius remarks, closing his eyes. “You’re far scarier than you were back then. I’m not sure there’s anything you wouldn’t do.”

“Probably not,” I agree, thinking it over, he’s right. I may be decades older nowadays, but I’m still a kid at heart. Not much phases me, and I don’t embarrass easily, not like I did when I was twelve, anyhow.

* * *

“Where are we going, Luca?” Mera asks as I cart her from the car after blindfolding her.

“Patience, little grasshopper. You’ll find out soon enough,” I say, planting a chaste kiss to the top of her head. “I promise, it’ll be worth the wait.”

She grits her teeth, heaving out a heavy sigh. “Have I mentioned that, as much as I love surprises, I can’t stand being teased about them? When I’m told there’s one coming my way, I want it now, not later?”

“You’ll survive, Mera.”

“Luca,” she groans. “This is annoying.”

I have to bite my bottom lip so that my laughter doesn’t come barreling out of my chest. “Maybe. But again, once you see what I’ve done, it’ll be something you’ll remember forever, and I aim to make this day as memorable as possible, love.”

Lifting her in my arms, I carry her up the courthouse steps, and through the check in point. Julius and Shayne came ahead of us, and the judge that’ll be overseeing our vows is a close family friend. He's shut down his cases today in order for them to direct the decorators in making his courtroom as wedding ready as possible. In Shayne’s words, they’re going to beautify it. Probably with all of that frilly shit women like. After her past with the nuns, I didn’t think a church wedding would be up her alley, so I came up with this concept as a compromise.

I don’t care where we do it, where she becomes mine, as long as she does. The room, the state, the country doesn’t matter, her wearing my ring and carrying my last name is the only thing that’ll make our life together more perfect than it already is.

“I’ll remember it alright,” she says, winding her arms around my neck, and combing her fingers through my hair. It’s shaven close to the scalp on the sides, and more sensitive to her ministrations—I all but purr. “You really do like it when my fingernails scrape against your head, don’t you?”

“I love it anytime you’re touching me, Curly Sue.”

“Then I’ll make sure my fingers are on you every day for the rest of our lives,” she swears.

“That’s the best damn news I’ve ever heard, baby girl.”

When we make it to Judge Merrimore’s door, Julius and Shayne are standing there, and when they open them for me, I’m ecstatic at what I see. It’s not overly done, only enough flowers, bows, and other shit that resemble a traditional wedding. Not speaking to them so that I don’t give anything away, I send them an appreciative smile, which has Shayne beaming back at me.

“Ready?” I ask her, lowering her down, gently setting her feet on the ground.

“It’s about time,” she admonishes me, but I can hear the thrill and excitement in her voice. She may claim to not like waiting, but she loves surprises no matter how long they take to unfold, she doesn’t fool me.