Page 27 of Merging Factions

“We may have to move up our timeline,” I add, wishing I could save all of the children experiencing such disgust. As adults, we’re supposed to teach and mold our youth, not make them angry, and distrustful. How will they ever become productive members of society if they don’t feel as if their lives are important?

Because they are. Children are a gift that not all people are fortunate enough to get for themselves. Those are the ones who should be raising tomorrow’s leaders.

It’s fucked up.


“I’m going,”I insist, stomping my foot while Luca is getting in his blackout gear.

“You’re not,” he argues. “This is not something I’m going to waiver on, Curly Sue. It’s too damn dangerous and you’ve just recovered from the whole ordeal with the Crumleys. You’re staying home.”

“Your argument holds no merit, Luca. You’re recovering too,” I debate.

“Women don’t go on missions, Mera,” he contends.

“Liar,” I say in an accusatory tone. “Charlee and Hemmingway came to the convent to get me and Shayne.”

“That was different, Mera.”

“How, Luca? Please explain to me how this is any different? It’s the same place, only these kids you’re going after don’t know you, but they do know me and Shaynie!”

“Because men wouldn’t have been allowed to get close to you. That was a special circumstance, Mera. Why are you making this harder than it needs to be? You’re being a pain in my ass.”

“Why aren’t you being reasonable?” I counter, widening my eyes at him. “You aren’t considering all of the distrust these children have for adults they don’t know. Think about it, Luca.”

He sighs then leaves the room without talking this out with me. That angers me, how dare he dismiss me as if I’m not making any sense and am being a nuisance to him! I’m not being irrational. Everything I’m saying isn’t meant to make things harder for him and the guys, if anything, it’s to make it easier on them. They don’t know how protective the youth are of the younger ones. They’ll fight to the death if it means keeping the littles safe and sound. They won’t listen to complete strangers, let alone leave with them.

“Luca!” I holler his name as I fall behind him. “They won’t let you take them away. Listen to me!”

“Enough, Mera.” His gruff voice may work on most, but it won’t work on me.

“You’re being a fool and childish, Luca Alvarez.” My footsteps become harsher, and they echo through the corridor.

“I’m a childish fool, huh? Good to know that me having your welfare at heart is asinine. I’m not acting immature, Mera, I’m thinking like a man who wants his woman to live to see another day.”

“You said I was a pain in the ass, Luca. If you can call me names, I have no problems returning the favor, jackass.”

“Jesus fuck,” he hisses as we meet at the bottom step. He turns to me, and I can see the conflict in his eyes. That look alone makes me feel like an asshole. I should’ve known better, because in actuality, this decision isn’t his alone to make. Men! Everything has to be voted on in their world.

It’s ludicrous.

“I’m not trying to be a pain, Luca. Really, I’m not. However, think about what I said. I wasn’t lying, those kids will never trust you enough to leave with you.”

“I know, but what do you want me to do, Curly Sue? We don’t know what we’re walking in on. Things could be business as usual, or they could have a buyer there. It’s a crapshoot, and I’m trying to be ambivalent, I’m trying to be realistic, and I can’t, no, I won’t, take chances when it comes to you and your safety.”

“I. Am. Going!” I hear Shayne holler. Luca and I both turn around to see her at a standoff with Julius.”

“No. You. Are. Not.” Julius’ entire body is vibrating from their vociferous disagreement. “You’re pregnant, Shayne. No way in hell are you going with us. It isn’t happening!”

“Um,” I hum, tapping my finger to my puckered lips, then I cup my hand, and ask, “do you think someone should stop them before this gets out of hand?” I ask Luca, pointing between the controversial couple. Oh, boy. I’ve never seen Shayne go toe-to-toe with anyone, it’s a sight to see. Damn, I think Julius has bitten off more than he can chew when it comes to my hard headed best friend.

“I’m not getting between a pregnant female and her target. I like my balls exactly where they are… attached to my body. You do it,” he suggests, backing away and looking at me with wide, panic-struck eyes.

“What? Why me? I’m not doing it. She’s my best friend, I won’t take sides. Nope. Not me. I refuse,” I parry.

“Well, that’s my brother and my future sister-in-law, I’m not getting between them. Fuck that. I’ve been around expecting mama’s,” he says, canting his head to the side where the old ladies are lined up watching the showdown. “I know how brutal and vicious they can be.”

“It can’t be that bad,” I snort. “Right?”