Page 8 of Merging Factions

“W-why?” I sputter out.

“Because he doesn’t give a shit if he leaves a woman a widow. A kid fatherless. If you cross him, he’ll kill your ass and not give a fuck what the repercussion of his actions are. You think we’re the monsters? Bitch, you don’t know what viper’s nest you’ve crawled your way into. And because you’ve joined the Alvarez brood, you’re just as disposable to us as they are.”

Not able to help myself because I’m feeling shady and pissed, I ask, “Are you a husband or a father? Either of you?”

“We both are,” one of them tells me.

I mean really? They’re both married men and have to quarrel about watching another woman in such a vulnerable predicament? And yet they don’t think they’re the monsters. I can’t imagine the lies they must tell themselves in order to sleep peacefully at night.

“Then I hope he makes your wives widows and your children fatherless. Lord knows they’ll be better off and have better lives.”

“You cunt!” One bellows as he backhands me. An instantaneous throb begins to circulate across my cheek as my own hand raises and covers the abused area. Being struck on the face is a lot more painful than they make it look in the movies.

“You would wish us dead?” goon two questions.

“Without a doubt,” I answer, my shoulders squaring with stubbornness.

“Better pray that the Crumleys don’t give us the thumbs up to do with you as we please. Because, lady,” he starts, bowing low and getting in my face before saying, “you’ve done fucked up.”

“So. Have. You.” I counter, boldly enunciating the words, and staring at him without looking away, our eyes penetrating the others. Neither one of us backing down. Both of us determined to make a point.

I’m tired of being a plaything for them.

I don’t deserve it.

None of it.

But I’ll never regret standing beside Shayne, Julius, Luca, or the boys of the DreamCatcher motorcycle club and their old ladies. Therefore, if that means I’m injured or killed during the process, so be it, but I won’t take these threatening words lying down. I’m nobody’s whipping boy. I’m a good person, a lady, and if they refuse to treat me as such, I’ll return the favor. I can be just as cruel as they are. I may ask for forgiveness afterward, but it’ll never be theirs I seek.


As soon asI was escorted into another section of this—whatever it is, I’m not sure if it’s a warehouse, a building, or a home-like structure, I’m slapped onto a metal, medical slab, strapped in, and an IV needle was none too kindly inserted into my arm.

“You’ll be here for a day or two until you’re at the point where you can stand on your own two feet. Then the fun begins,” one of the motherfuckers who “escorted” me to this room tells me.

“And pray tell, what fun is it that will be beginning? What do I have to look forward to?” I ask, even though I’m ninety-nine-point nine percent sure what will be going down.

“We wouldn’t want to ruin the whole shebang for you, Mr. Alvarez,” the fucker giggles like a motherfucking teenage girl who’s just been asked to prom.

“You’ve already told me that I’ll be facing my enemies for a bidding session, what else could there be?” I dare to ask.

“Well,” the second asshole snickers before talking. “They do need an opportunity to test out the merchandise.” For fuck’s sake. I’m not a goddamn toy that they need to unbox and make sure all of the pieces have been included in the packing for use.

Tilting my head to the side, I decide to try and dig for more detailed information. Better to be prepared than caught with my dick hanging out and swinging in the wind. “And what does them “trying me out” entail?”

“Uh, uh, uh,” a man sitting in the dark shadows says, clicking his tongue, and flicking his finger back and forth in a not happening motion. “Don’t push your luck, Luca Alvarez. We’ve been very generous with you, that kindness doesn’t have to continue.”

“Step forward so I can see you,” I demand, squinting my eyes trying to get a better look at the man.

When he does, a growl emanates from my throat when I notice it’s Graham, the Hammer, Crumley. I see they sent in their enforcer of sorts to intimidate me. If he thinks his presence is going to have me pissing my pants, he’s sorely mistaken. I’m not some Joe Blow off the streets, this punk ass bitch doesn’t scare me. Yes, pain hurts, but I have enough scars that prove I can survive anything these dickheads toss my way.

“Graham, my man, how’s it going?” I question, my lips tilting upward surprising him.

“So it’s true. Luca Alvarez fears no man, huh?” he asks, mirth filling his eyes.

“Or woman, or beast. Should I carry on, or do you get the point I’m making?” I continue, then cackle with laughter when I see how my words have rocked him off-kilter. His normal, fearsome games won’t work on me.

“You’re awfully sure of yourself, only you aren’t the one holding all of the cards, we are,” he states, slowly prowling my way. “I figure, when you’re back on your feet again, we’ll try playing things your way. I’ve been studying your methods and can’t wait to put them to use. On you.”