Page 30 of Merging Factions

“What’s that, baby?” I pull her into my arms, cradling her, and placing a kiss on top of her head.

“These,” she shyly says, handing me a small box with a bow on top with squiggly ribbon curled beneath it. “Open it before everyone gets restless and leaves us behind.”

Canvassing the area, I notice that all of the men have pulled the women into their arms the same way I have Mera, only they’re ogling us, waiting on me to open the present so we can get on with things.

Tearing into it, I’m pleasantly surprised to find a set of fingerless gloves tucked inside the cardboard. “You knew about this?” I ask, clarifying my question by tugging on my cut.

Nodding her head, she admits, “I knew, but I was sworn to secrecy. Do you like them? According to the guys, you’ll need them, at least in the beginning, so that you don’t get any blisters.”

“I love them, baby. They’re perfect, just like you.” Jerking her closer to me, I claim her lips in a scorching kiss.

One that will lead to places I’m not sure she’s ready for until after we say our vows.

Apathetically, I nudge her back so that I don’t follow my instincts and defile her in a parking lot. A satisfactory smile unfolds on my face when I see how puffy her luscious lips are from my onslaught.

Stumbling over her words, she says to me, “I’m, uh, I’m glad you like them.” Her hand lifts up to her mouth where she uses the tip of her finger to trace her lips.

“Very glad,” I mumble, reaching down and lacing our fingers together. “Y’all ready?”

“We were waiting on you, brother,” Julius remarks, a sheen of happiness for me dancing in his eyes.

“Lead the way, pres,” I state, flashing my arm out in front of Gunner.

“Sure thing, VP,” he replies, causing me to rear back.

“What?” I ask, confused.

“Read your label, uncle,” Gunner relays, directing my sight to my right, upper chest.

“I’ll be damned,” I murmur, looking over at Kruger who smirks at me.

“Look at Pops’ back, Hangman,” Kruger suggests, as my brother spins around. It’s then that I see the Freestone town emboldened on his bottom rocker.

“What’s that mean?” I ask no one in particular.

“We’ll hold church tomorrow and explain it all to you,” Julius advises, “I told you retirement was in the cards for me. You’ll have two jobs now, brother.”

“I told you, Luca. Sands through the hourglass, you never know which way the sand is going to flow,” Mera giggles.

“Can we stop standing around scratching our balls now?” Texas pipes up and asks. “I’m ready to shed some blood.”

Powerhouse smacks him on the back and asserts, “In due time, Tex. I promise you’ll be bathing in it. Right, pres?”

“Damn fucking straight!” Gunner roars. “It begins now.”


I havethree targets in mind as I march my way through the convent doors. Sisters Agnes, Magna, and Ann. These were the pioneers behind shoveling their horseshit down mine and Shayne’s throats. I plan to force feed my revenge down their throats—the lying bitches.

“Why do you look like you’re on a mission?” Charlee inquires as she and Country stride up beside Luca and me.

“Because I am,” I answer nonchalantly. No reason to hide my intent.

“Who are we targeting, Mera?” Charlee looks energized over the fact that I have three nuns in my crosshair.

Turning my head in her direction, I confess, “There are three of them. The ones who belittled and shamed me and Shayne anytime we got out of line, spoke up for ourselves, or did things they deemed as unholy in nature. They not only silenced us, but they made us complacent. Seen but not heard.”

“Well then. Let’s show them the error of their ways,” she implies, shaking her hips. “Show me who they are when they cross our paths, and I’ll give them some dental work by removing their teeth from their gums. Free of charge.”