Page 3 of Merging Factions

“Come on, Maribus, let’s see what the bosses want us to do next now that the prisoners have been detained and secured,” Percy suggests.

“Percy and Maribus,” I say, memorizing those ridiculous names.

“That’s us,” Maribus proudly states, rocking back and forth on his feet. “We’re your caretakers until bidding time runs out.”

“And when is that?” I inquire.

“When the bosses feel that they’ve acquired the top bid,” Maribus tells me.

“They’re expecting to get millions for you,” Percy conveys, a smirk plastered on his ugly mug.

“Proud of yourselves are you? Do you honestly think I’ll be leaving this place with one of your top contenders?” I ask, ruining their confidence as their happy mask slips.

“We do,” Percy admits.

“I’ve got some advice for you two,” I say, smirking.

“Yeah? What’s that?” Maribus demands.

Wanting to be a further pest and irk them to no end, I begin whispering so that they have to lean in so that they can hear what I’m saying, “Run. Get as far away as you can.” What I don’t say is that I want them to go on the lam. I want to chase them, hunt them, ruin them, and destroy them.

They snort and laugh as they leave, only I know that I’ll be the one to have the last laugh.


As soon asthe heavy-steeled doors slam shut behind the nutso guards, an eerie feeling cradles around me, suffocating me.

We’re trapped, with no way out or an escape route in sight.

I’m petrified. I always have some sort of witty comeback on the tip of my tongue, but those two leering at me like two perverted A-holes, had my mouth sealed tightly shut, as if a powerful adhesive was smeared on my lips. I would’ve done anything to keep their slimy hands off of me.

Just the thought of them touching me has my stomach rolling and saliva gathering in my mouth.

Trying to gain my composure, I pant, “Luca. Are you alright?”

“I’ve had worse, Curly Sue. How are you? Anything broken? Is your vision clear?” He rapidly shoots off questions inquiring about my health.

“That doesn’t answer my question, Luca. And I have a headache from all of the bouncing around in the car, but other than that, the seatbelt saved me.” She mumbles the last part, not wanting to let me know that I was right about ordering her to snap it around her.

“I’m alright, baby doll. I promise. Nothing I won’t survive,” he swears.

“I’ve never been so scared in my life as I was when I saw you being flung from one side of the car to the other. I thought you were dead,” I say, sobbing and shuddering. “You’ve been out for what seems to be hours.”

Even with those morons threatening me, and taunting me, my eyes wouldn’t stray from him for long, watching his chest rise and fall.

My biggest fear was that I would look away, and he’d stop breathing. My mind kept thinking that if I willed him to live, he would. Now, my eyes are dropping and I’m so damn tired that I’m having a hard time staying alert and awake.

“Mera, I think you’re going into shock, I need you to stay with me, okay?” Luca begs.

“I’m exhausted,” I tell him through chattering teeth, then, I begin babbling. “So sleepy. Can’t keep my eyes open. Cold, so cold.”

“The adrenaline is wearing off. Talk to me, gorgeous. Tell me what happened after I lost consciousness,” he implores. “Have you seen Leo?”

“No,” I groan. “The car blew up after they dragged us out. I didn’t see him get out! Luca, I think… I think he’s dead.”

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” he chants. “The others, Mera. What about the others? Julius? Shayne? The boys?”

“I heard gunshots, hollering, tires screeching, but I didn’t see anything as they dragged me away. I think we were the only ones they took. They weren’t happy to discover it was us in the car, Luca. We confused them when we split up.”