Page 23 of Merging Factions

“If you have him talk to a boy named Cortland, he’ll open up and tell you if everyone is accounted for. He knows all of the hiding places,” Shayne adds.

“He’s nosy, nothing happens in that place that he doesn’t know about,” Mera informs us. “If someone is there that’s not on paper or has a folder, he’ll tell you.”

Reaching over and squeezing Mera’s hand, I say, “I’ll go talk to Julius and let him in on our plan. Gunner, take care of things on your end and we can get together later this evening to compare notes.”

Gun nods his head in agreement. “Sounds good. Let’s plan on meeting in Pops’ office after dinner. I think we’re all eating together tonight.”

“I hope our kitchen staff doesn’t quit after that,” I mumble, which has the girls giggling.

“Give them a bonus,” Mera suggests. “You know they’ll have earned it after dealing with all of us.”

“Then that’s what I’ll do,” I tell her, leaning over and giving her a light kiss on her lips. “See you later, Curly Sue.” Her cheeks are molten red. Cursing didn’t make her blush, but me giving her a quick breeze of a kiss did. Interesting. I file that away to use at a later date and time. Embarrassing her makes her mouthy, and I love bickering with her.

* * *

“How many kids do you think we’re talking about here?” Julius asks, leaning back in his office chair, steepling his fingers beneath his chin. “It may take some time to rehome them. We don’t want to just give them to the first person who shows an interest.”

“Fuck no. Shayne and Mera would have our balls if we did that. My conscience would eat me alive if I didn’t know that they’d be loved and taken care of,” I surmise. “And neither would you.”

“Things are going to be more emotional around here, Luca,” Julius says around a sigh.

“Why? What’s going on?” I ask, worried that I’ve missed something through my recovery.

“Shayne’s expecting,” he cautiously tells me. Why he’s apprehensive to let me know this information is confusing.

“Are you unsure about the baby, Julius? Do you not want it or something?”

“Fucking hell, Luca! What kind of question is that? Have you lost your goddamn mind? Of course, I want my baby.”

“Then what’s going on, brother?” I ask.

“I’m not sure how you’re going to take what I have to say next,” he grumbles.

“Whatever it is, it can't be that bad. Talk to me,” I implore.

“I want to retire,” he blurts out, rendering me speechless. I didn’t think this day would come for years, not until we figured out who would step into our places once we made this decision. “Which means that as the oldest living heir, you’ll become the head again. How do you feel about that?”

“I’m not sure how I’m feeling or what to say if I’m being honest with you, Julius. Before I agree to anything, I think I need to talk to Mera and get her opinion on this.”

“So it’s like that, huh?” he asks me.

“Yeah, it’s like that,” I answer, not ashamed in the least that I want her two cents on this. After all, she’s going to be an intricate part of my future and should have a voice and some say-so about what road our life will be led down.

“I’m happy for you, brother. You deserve your own slice of happiness after everything you sacrificed for me so that I could marry Ma and have a few babies,” he chuckles.

“How are you doing with all of that?” I inquire.

“All of what, Luca?”

“Moving forward. Loving someone that’s not Ma? Having a baby? Building another family? All of the above,” I state, wanting to know where his head is, if he’s okay, and how he’s withstanding and handling all of the changes. It’s a lot to deal with all at once, and now he’s wanting to add his retirement onto the list? That’s got to be a doozy. Fuck knows my head is spinning.

“It’s an adjustment, but I’m handling it well enough. I’m not gonna lie, I’m scared shitless, but having the love of a good woman makes it all worthwhile. I love her, Luca.”

“I know you do, Julius. She’s perfect for you, and I'm glad you’re getting this second chance. If anyone deserves it, you do.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Charlee says, leaning against the door jamb.

“Girl! What is it with you coming into my office without knocking first? Your mother and I didn’t raise you like that. Find your manners, daughter,” Julius scolds.