"Your beloved is fine, Cole. He is a skilled leader and soldier. He will come back to you, don't worry." Cole nodded, but Enzo could see the worry etched across his face. "Come with us. We will get you somewhere safe."

The main floor had been cleaned and cleared, and guards were patrolling everywhere. The place was under siege, and everyone was on edge, waiting for the next attack. Master Hadden stood in the middle of the large open space that once was the massive lobby and surveyed the area. He looked forceful and in control even as things continued to decay. He was holding it all together through a sheer force of will, and to watch that man in action was to watch utter greatness.

Enzo had never admired someone so much as he admired Nikolas Hadden in crisis and in control, a true leader. He had all the vulnerable people, including his own beloved Walker and Josef's beloved Isaac, in a secure bunker protected by guards and shielded by the power of the Master. Enzo wondered if his beloved and Zac had gone to the secure sector or if they were still in the apartment. He wanted to go to him, but he was of better use here with the Master fighting this thing.

"They are going to get Foster and Zac and take them to the bunker," Noori told him as he walked up to him after speaking with Josef. "Cole is on his way there now with Josef." That was a big relief, and now Enzo could fully concentrate on the issue at hand. He reached out to his beloved and sensed the confusion he was feeling, but he was fine. He sent his love, and Foster responded. His beloved was precious beyond words, and he ached to get back to him.


Foster felt the peace and love that Enzo projected, and it warmed his heart and settled his mind. The situation appeared serious, and they were being taken to a secure bunker of sorts until the danger passed. Zac was a nice guy and a good conversationalist. They spent the time in the apartment discussing finance, of which Zac was quite proficient. Foster planned to pick his brain further once this crisis subsided.

They were taking the stairwell, stating that the elevators were not presently operational. They climbed eight floors, and Foster was surprised by the fact he was not tired in the least. Usually, stairs wore him out, but today, he could have gone ten or twenty stories. The perks of the bond that Enzo spoke of must be starting to kick in. He smiled to himself.

"The secure bunker is on the penthouse floor," Zac told him as they continued on. We will be safe there from whatever is happening downstairs. Master Hadden has the bunker protected by a mystical shield nothing can penetrate."

“He uses magic?”

"Not magic, more an inherent power. The Master is a mystical being, and his ability is something he was born with. It was not a bartered or purchased power like the magics and the sorcerers." Zac made himself very clear, not wanting the Master to be considered magic in any sense of the word, so Foster nodded even though he did not completely understand.

"Master Hadden has placed his own beloved, Walker, in the bunker, so rest assured that the place is quite safe." Cole joined in.

"My beloved, Isaac, is also there," Josef added to the conversation, and Foster was feeling increasingly more confident in the veracity of this bunker. "You will be safe, Foster." Josef glanced back at him over his shoulder, and Foster nodded.

"Yes, sir." He said, and they continued to a plain, non-descript little door on the right. Josef was reaching for the lever to release the lock and provide an entrance through the shield when suddenly they were not alone.

"Hello Josef, long time no see." The tone was sarcastic and self-important. Foster recognized him instantly. It was Nathan, and he was still wearing that stupid tunic with the yoga pants, but now he had added knee-high black boots with heels. That outfit just kept getting worse. "Are you having fun with the hex I put on this place? It's all you and the Master deserve."

He continued to talk, which seemed strange, but apparently, he had plenty to say and wanted Josef to listen. "You had no business interfering with the sorcerer, but now that he is gone, I have taken his place. I, who no one saw as anything but an ordinary, unremarkable computer geek, is now the one who will decide on when and how you die."

Josef remained silent and watchful and slowly moved to put himself in front of them. Nathan saw the move and stepped forward with an inane grin on his face and a crazed look in his eyes as he glanced at the three of them standing behind Josef.

"You're still ordinary and unremarkable and also a useless betrayer of your people." Josef forced Nathan's attention back to him, and the anger and hatred that exploded across Nathan's countenance was chilling.

Josef didn't wait for more discussion, and while signaling for them to run, he leapt at Nathan, who, although considering himself powerful, was caught off guard. Josef was able to bring him to the floor. With Zac leading the way, they took off down the hallway.

Foster looked back and saw Nathan shaking off Josef and pinning him to the wall with whatever magic he was utilizing. Josef was fighting and had drawn a sword from his jacket, and as they turned the corner, Foster prayed that Josef would be okay.

Their attempted escape was quickly thwarted when a group of armed men dressed in black and wearing hoods like some sort of ninja knockoffs filled the hallway in front of them, blocking them. They turned only to find Nathan coming up on them from behind.

"Aren't they something?" He boasted, gesturing toward the men. "They're my latest conjure. All I have to do is make a few promises and invoke the dark lord, and he gives me anything I desire. These are just a few of his minions. He has armies so horrid the sight of them would make your heart stop." Damn, this guy loved to hear himself talk.

Foster wanted to ask about Josef and catch this idiot up in conversation. Let him talk; the longer he continued to boast, the better chance they had of being rescued. "Is Josef alive?" He asked, and Nathan began a cackling laugh, just the kind of laugh you'd expect from a maniac.

"I don't know, maybe and maybe not. I left him to contemplate the error of his ways, and he might survive. It doesn't matter. He is no use to me. You two beloveds are my target. Michael and Enzo are going to be utterly destroyed by your deaths. I was hoping to get my hands on Walker Hall, but I moved too quickly before Josef released the shield protecting those in the bunker. I'm just so eager to make things right around here that I sometimes jump too fast." He laughed again as if something he said was funny.

"As far as you're concerned, Zac, you have very little value, and who really cares about you apart from your pathetic beloved Roman." He snapped his fingers, and the ninja crowd disappeared. "What the hell? I'll bring you along. Maybe you can serve some purpose. I could make you explode in front of them. Getting your entrails all over Master Hadden's expensive suit would be priceless."

“You’re not the man you used to be.” Zac chastised.

"I was never the man I used to be." Nathan shot back, and this time, the humor was missing. Zac apparently struck a nerve.

They were forced back down the hallway the way they'd come. Their shock was hard to conceal when they came upon Josef lying face down on the carpet with his sword still in his hand. He wasn't moving, and Foster feared the worst.

"He's not dead . . .yet." Nathan spat out the words and continued on his way. Foster didn't trust Nathan not to be lying just so he could draw out the pain. "I wanted that Cyprian sword in the worst way, but I can't touch it. The thing is a part of the man and will not leave him. I'll have to figure that out because I don't want those insidious Cyprians spoiling my attempt at career advancement." He started that cackling laugh again. It was extremely unsettling.

"I'm taking over Hadden's territory, and all his interests will belong to me before the end of this day. Anyone who wants to live will be branded and swear loyalty to me. I plan on having the time of my life friends." He shouted; everyone got into the elevator, and within seconds, they were on the first floor, stepping out into the lobby.

The room was struck silent, and all eyes were on them. Master Hadden moved front and Center, and Foster saw Enzo stepping up beside him along with so many others. Enzo looked scared, not for himself but for him, and it broke Foster's heart to be hurting him like this.