Enzo took his hand, and they moved over to the brocade sofa in the living room. Foster got the feeling that he had something serious to discuss with him, so he remained silent and waited. "You asked why your mind could not be touched, and I told you we would discuss it later." He said, and Foster nodded. "I need you to keep an open mind and to remember you're dealing with a culture of the supernatural." Again, Foster nodded and waited expectantly.

Enzo felt unprepared to explain what he wanted and needed to explain to his beloved Foster. He was ahead of the game with Foster already being aware of the paranormal, so hopefully, it wouldn't be too difficult to expound on the details, primarily Fated beloveds and their power and importance.

"You've worked at the Sienna for a little while." He stated, and Foster nodded in the affirmative. "You're familiar with Lenard, who man's the bar."

"Yes, a very nice man, and so is his husband Raylan," Foster responded.

“Have you observed the relationship between the two?”

"I have, and they are very much in love. They act like newlyweds even though I was told they've been together for years."

“Have you ever seen such a loving, protective, adoring couple as Lenard and Raylan?”

"Sorry to say that I have not. Even the relationships that appear good always have a weakness of some sort, but those two are a perfect match in every way."

"Lenard is a vampire, and Raylan is human, and they are what is called in my culture a Fated pair. Raylan is Lenard's beloved, and they are bonded." Enzo stated the crux of what he planned to build on. "Have you heard of vampire beloveds?" Foster shook his head. What Enzo found endearing was that without taking his eyes off him, Foster reached over, took Enzo's hand, and held it.

"The reason no one could touch your mind was because you are a beloved. Fate protects beloveds from outside control or influences, especially in the early days of bonding." Enzo paused and watched Foster's face as he carefully assembled the pieces of information and experience together.

“I’m a beloved, like Raylan?” He queried.

“Exactly like Raylan. You are the beloved of a vampire.” Enzo responded quickly and then went on to explain further. “Vampires are gifted by Fate one true and loving bond. It’s a connection that is predestined and goes deeper than your soul. It is a bond that is forever, and both parties feel the pull and the desire that is greater than anything ever experienced in their lives.

A beloved is considered precious and sacred in my culture. It's deeper than any love and greater than any soul mate. A beloved is a Fated match that is perfect." Enzo waited as Foster appeared to have something to say.

He scrutinized, narrowing his eyes and pursing his lips. He was forming his words and his thoughts carefully while continuing to hold Enzo's hand in a firm grip. "Predestined, written in the stars," Foster whispered.

“Written on our hearts.” Enzo leaned forward, capturing his gaze and holding it.

“Am I your beloved, Enzo? Is that why it was so easy for you to find me and so easy for me to trust you?” Foster was a very intelligent young man and a quick learner.

"Yes, to all of your questions." Enzo moved closer. "You are my beloved, and I recognized you when I entered the men's room at the Sienna Restaurant. The fear and panic you experienced there made your scent very strong. I knew you were mine." Enzo ran his fingers down the side of Foster's face, needing to touch and feel the warmth and the life beneath his fingertips.

Foster turned his head and kissed Enzo's fingertips, and Enzo could hold back no longer. He pulled him into his arms and kissed him hard and exacting, feeling all the emotions of the day rushing to the surface. He stood, pulling Foster to his feet while never breaking the kiss.

He'd always hoped his beloved would be human. They had the capacity for such deep love and devotion, and every human bond seemed to be powerful and special. Humans had physical strength, emotional strength, and a strength of character that was unmatched by any other species.

Foster was his ideal. He was impressed and appreciated him from the beginning. The way he moved was pure poetry, dodging the guards and leaving them in his dust as he escaped into the night. Enzo enjoyed the spectacle even before he knew that the young man was his beloved.

Enzo forcefully thrust his tongue inside Foster's mouth, tasting the delights of his beloved while feeling the urgency of the moment. His vampire instincts were calling him to claim his beloved to mark him and solidify their bond.

He ran his hands down Foster's back, pulling him tighter into his embrace, and deepened the kiss even further. He wanted to experience everything Foster had to offer, and the young man was not holding back. Enzo could feel Foster's hands just grazing the top of his ass. He obviously wanted more but was still too hesitant to go further.

Enzo trailed the kiss along Foster's jaw to his ear. "Take what you want, my love; be bold." Just then, Enzo felt those hands move lower, and Foster eagerly took what he wanted.


Nik Hadden summoned Josef, his second in command, to his office along with Zac, the director of IT, and Cole, their resident cyber genius and troubleshooter. The statements given by Enzo's beloved Foster weighed heavily on Nik's mind, and he wanted to do a thorough check of the Center and determine who Foster saw in the storeroom off the lobby.

"That room contains tables, chairs, and a variety of supplies from projectors to mops and everything in between. It is rarely locked since nothing of high value is kept there, and it is right off the lobby." Zac reported but followed up with more. "The junction box that Foster spoke of is problematic being in an open area such as a storeroom. It isn't a normal junction box exactly, but rather, it houses some sensitive connections that should be better protected based on discussion. With that said, I cannot see that anything was tampered with." Zac then turned the floor over to Cole.

“The cameras in the area and the one in that room specifically did not pick up anyone other than Foster. But with that said, it is obvious that there was someone else in the room with him by the way he reacted when entering.” Cole put the video compilation of Foster running from the restaurant down the back hall and entering the back door of the storeroom. It was clear that he saw something and was attempting to avoid whoever it was, but, in the end, he took off like the devil was after him.

"I think it would be advantageous to have Foster describe in detail what the man looked like," Zac added.

"He described him as average height and average weight, but the outfit was odd. He was wearing a tunic and tight black yoga pants." Nik watched as Josef slowly turned his head to him and cocked an eyebrow.

“That sounds ridiculous.” He offered with a grimace.