"He was huddled over what I think was a junction box. He was using a small flashlight rather than turning on the overheads. It struck me as strange, but I was running, so I didn't think about it too deeply at the time." Foster looked over at Enzo, who mirrored the concern that was present in Master Hadden's eyes.

“Could he have been part of the maintenance staff?”

"He was wearing a tunic and tight, black yoga-type pants. He looked out of place. He came at me, but I went right for the double doors to the lobby, and, like I said, he didn't follow." Something passed between the Master and Enzo once again, and they both stood.

"Enzo will drive you home." Master Hadden said and once again reached out to shake Foster's hand. "Take a week off with pay, and your job at the Sienna will be waiting for you." Foster was relieved at the way things seemed to be working out, and people had Nikolas Hadden all wrong. He was a decent guy and seemed fair and not someone to fear.

“Thank you.” Was all he could think of to say.

He and Enzo turned toward the door and were about to leave when Master Hadden spoke. "A new world has opened to you, Foster and new opportunities will come with it. Keep an open mind and stay close to Enzo."

“Yes, sir.” Again, Foster wasn’t sure how to respond. “Staying close to Enzo would not be a hardship. The man smelled so good Foster wanted to bury his face in his chest and just breathe.

“Have you eaten?” Enzo asked out of nowhere as they were getting on the elevator.

“No.” Foster watched him push the button for the twenty-second floor rather than the garage.

"We will stop at my quarters and order breakfast." He said and then added. "My home is in Harrisburg. I'm using these rooms during my stay here, so don't judge me by the décor." He laughed, and Foster joined, loving the sudden lightness that had entered their relationship.

“A lot of mirrors?” Foster ventured a guess.

"Plaster relief, gold leaf, and plenty of mirrors." He chuckled. "Perfect for the aged royal."

“How long are you staying?” Foster felt a pang of sadness at the thought of Enzo leaving and never seeing him again.

"I head home next Friday," Enzo said casually, not realizing that his words were filling Foster with a strange sense of urgency. He pushed the strange feelings aside and focused on the here and now and keeping himself safe. The attraction to Enzo was real, and in any other circumstance, he might try to do something about it, but this was not the time to let foggy romance overrule clear-minded logic.

They stopped at a large white lacquered door with stunning gold accents, and Enzo opened it and walked in. It didn't appear to have been locked, which speaks to the security and trust in the Center or at least these upper residential floors. The interior was as Enzo had described. It was busy and definitely possessed a regal flair, but Foster liked it. The mirrors, although plentiful, were tasteful and well-placed.

There was nothing cheap or gauche about this space; it just gave an old-world vibe, which Foster found to be warm and comforting. "I like it." He said while Enzo went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water, and handed it to him. Foster downed half of it before putting the cap back on and setting it aside.

Enzo seemed to always know what he needed, and the connection they had was baffling. Enzo gave him a quick tour of the place, and Foster loved the windows and the light that filled every room.

Foster used the bathroom, and when he returned to the main room, he saw Enzo arranging the table. He'd had food delivered from downstairs, not the Sienna but rather the Café, which served a nice breakfast. The table was situated in front of one of the large windows that looked out over the city. It gave the impression they were on a date, but Foster knew that it was anything but.

"Make yourself comfortable." He said, and soon they were both enjoying the omelets, toast, fresh fruit, and crisp bacon. It was all Foster's favorites, along with the juice and coffee, and again, Enzo knew what he needed.

“Thank you for this.” Foster offered between bites of his toast.

“You’re welcome.”

"I appreciate the time off with pay, but I don't think I'll be returning to work at the Sienna." He blurted as the thought entered his mind. "There would be too much awkwardness, and I'll feel like a weirdo if I ever come face to face with that guard, Rex." Foster finished his toast and took a sip of his coffee.

"Everyone understands, and there is no need for you to feel awkward." Enzo insisted. "You're not the first person to walk in on a feeding and freak out."

"I didn't freak out; I grew concerned, is all." Foster minimized it, but the smile on Enzo's face told him he did not believe it.

“You always run away in a blind panic when you grow concerned?” Enzo teased.

“Doesn’t everyone?” Foster quipped in response.

"No, not really." Enzo laughed. "But I will accept your explanation of concern." Foster nodded, pleased that Enzo capitulated to his nonsense.

"I have a few other options, and I think it would be best if it put some distance between me and the Hadden Coven," Foster explained his reasoning.

“The Hadden Coven holds no ill will against you, Foster.” Enzo was becoming adamant. He fell silent for a few seconds, taking in Foster's expression and posture before continuing. Foster wondered what he saw because his position shifted, and he became supportive of whatever Foster decided to do.

"I understand the discomfort that you might experience, although I assure you no one will treat you differently. If they do, just tell me, and I'll take care of it." He winked at Foster, and the levity was precious. Enzo was a quintessential tough guy, the height and the cut of his figure and the dark, stern expression, but then he would smile, and everything softened. His presence became endearing. Foster wanted this guy in the worst way, and yet he could say or do nothing about it.