“Well, I don’t know. Apparently, there is no other cause of death for my father.”
“I know that’s not the news you were hoping for. And I was hoping it wasn’t true.”
“What are you going to do?”
Chapter Eighteen
“Ready?” I ask Geneva as we stand on the porch of my childhood home, before we enter.
“As ready as I’ll ever be. I met your dad briefly, and your mom in passing. But this is more intimate.”
With one hand on the small of her back, I knock on the door, as my mom invited us over for dinner.
A maid opens the door and immediately takes our coats. Mom comes around the counter to greet us with her arms outstretched to hug us both. “It’s so good to see you, my Dominicky.” She pats my cheek and turns her attention to Geneva. “And you look as gorgeous as ever,” she tells her.
“Thank you, Mrs. Cantano.”
“Please call me, Anne. And you met Carmine before,” she says as he appears.
“What did you say your name was?”
“Uh. Geneva Castle.”
“Nice to meet ya,” he holds his hand out for her, and she shakes it. And he does the same for me.
“Come in and eat,” Mom calls out.
We all sit down at the table. Dad at one end, Mom at the other. And I sit next to Geneva.
“So, how’s business? Dad asks me.
“It’s great. Making profits as always.”
He points his knife at me. “Just don’t trust anyone son. Everyone is out to get something.”
“I already know that.” If he only knew what I found out.
“This is really good, Mrs. I mean, Anne. It might be better than my mom’s, but don’t tell her that.”
“What do your parents do?” Dad asks Geneva.
“My mom is a homemaker, and my dad is in construction.”
“Oh. I probably know him then.”
I can feel Geneva as she starts to panic.
I interject. “Her dad is Giovanni Fallone.”
Dad stops mid-chew, mom averts her eyes, and my heart pounds fast in my chest. I’m still squeezing Geneva’s hand as she looks down at her plate.
Dad raises from his chair. “I will not allow that name to step foot in this house.” He pounds his fist on the table causing both my mom and Geneva to jump.
“Well, it was fine when she dug that bullet out of you. And you have beef with her father, not her.”
“Get out of my house!” he screams.