“I changed my last name to my mother’s maiden name. Happy?”
“But what your father’s last name?”
“Ah.” It all clicked now. How did I even miss that in the very beginning? I thought I knew everything about her.
She huffs and walks to look out her large floor to ceiling windows. Snow starts to fall. “This always happens,” she mutters.
“What does?”
“Anytime I meet someone and tell them who I really am, they are so quick to bail on me because they are afraid of my father. I can’t help who my dad is. He barely knows anything about my life as far as what I do, and I don’t ask questions about his business.”
“I don’t care. None of that matters to me. Whatever the beef is, it is between them, not us.”
She laughs. “That is kind of hard when our families are rivals.”
“Well, my mom liked you.”
“What did she say about me?”
“She asked who you were. Asked of you were my girlfriend. Told me to bring you around more.”
I laugh again.
“I don’t see myself stepping foot inside that house ever again.” She sits on the couch but faces me.
“What are we going to do about this rival thing? I can talk to my father…”
“Absolutely not. Not right now. It’s not a good time. Not with your step dad being shot.”
“What can I do?”
“There is nothing to do.”
I have to go to my dad’s party,” she says.
“I’m sure whatever it is, we could work it out. And to be honest, after yesterday, I didn’t think I would ever see you again. But somehow, we keep coming back in the other’s life.” I reach for Geneva’s hand. “Sorry.”
Her eyes soften. “It’s okay.”
“Can I see you after the party? We can talk more about this if you want.” I try to smile to lighten the mood. Though, right now talking in the last thing I want to do right now. I just want to feel Geneva’s naked body on mine.
“I can cancel and stay here.”
I’m surprised by her comment.
I lean forward, closing the distance between us. My head rests on hers. “That’s tempting. But I can’t ask you to do that. Why don’t you go. Text me when you are leaving. I’ll pick you up, we can grab some take out, and come back here.”
Chapter Twelve
“Happy Birthday, ole man,” I say, hugging my father.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”