“Can I give him a kiss?” she asked of King.
“You can, but be really gentle.”
I held the baby lower so she could kiss his head and it was the most precious thing I had ever seen.
“I’m so exhausted,” I told Damon when the rest of the gang left for the night.
“I’m sure you are. Put him down for now, and I’ll be here if you need anything.”
“I just need a few hours.” I placed Kingston in his crib and settled back in bed.
Damon sat in the chair next to my bed and took my hand in his. “Just one thing before you go to sleep.”
He handed me an envelope and I eyed him suspiciously while he watched me. “I wanted to give it to you earlier, but with the reception interruption and everything, I’ll give it to you now.”
Opening the envelope, I pulled out what looked like plane tickets and I carefully read the destination. “Damon, you bought two tickets to Hawaii.” I was so surprised.
“Since we couldn’t go on a honeymoon right away, I figured once you were ready, we could get away for the weekend. Or longer. But I imagine it’ll be difficult pulling you away from Rose and baby Kingston here.”
I smiled. He was right. It would be hard to leave them behind, even for a few days.
“If it makes you feel more comfortable, we can take the kids and bring a nanny along for the daytime.”
“No. I’m sure I can survive two days without the kids. Besides, that is what god-parents are good for, watching the kids. It was a really thoughtful gift.” I cupped his face. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He took my hand again and kissed my fingers. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too.”
“I can’t believe I have a son. It’s unreal.”
“I know. It is hard for me to believe I just gave birth to a baby you and I created.”
“That’s nuts. Get some sleep, love. I’ll watch over Kingston.”
I didn’t argue. My eyes closed and I was out.
Chapter Nineteen
“Happy birthday,” we sang to Rose on her sixteenth birthday. It was hard to believe I had a sixteen-year-old daughter and a twelve-year-old son. Time with them had flown by, and I couldn’t imagine a life without them.
Kara was busy talking to Olivia about something. And even now, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. After having King, the doctor told her if she had any more babies, that it would be putting her own life in danger. I never knew the severity of it after she had King, until we saw the doctor. We got a second opinion and it was the same result. We decided not to risk it. I was fine only having King, as well as my daughter.
“The ice cream truck is here,” I called over the kids. Rose thrived in school and had a bunch of her friends over for a pool party and an ice cream truck. That was all she wanted for her birthday. Well, she did request a car, but I was holding off on that one. I didn’t want my baby to grow up. Even though I wanted to be in denial, she was becoming a young adult.
Not only had she thrived. She continued riding horses and she was recently in the Regional Championship with her newest horse. We had been to all her events as well as all of Kingston’s football practices.
Hope had been clean for roughly ten years now and had been a welcome part of the family, especially during the special occasions. She made a point to attend everything Rose had scheduled and had also cheered for King in the sports he played. Recently, he decided to focus his attention on football, even though he had played almost every sport.
We were living in a new house. It was more modest and perfect for the size of four. Susie no longer worked for us. She decided she needed to venture out into the world. I couldn’t be happier for her. And I couldn’t help putting money into her account once a year, because the woman deserved it. She meant more to me than she knew. I was too much of a hard ass to show it. But having two kids, that will soften you right up. I soaked in every single moment I had with my kids and with Kara.
Watching the kids eat ice cream and playing in the pool, I moved over to whisper in Kara’s ear. “How about we take a quiet moment to ourselves?” I suggested, taking her hand.
Looking at my face, she knew I was serious. I looked to Olivia. “Can you keep an eye on the kids for about an hour?”
She winked. “Sure thing. Take your time.” She knew exactly what was about to happen.