Damon shrugged. “I can’t be certain, but she has my dark hair and my eyes. I see the resemblance. But I want to do a DNA test just to be a hundred percent.”
“That’s understandable.”
“Looks like Rose found us,” I said, spotting her at the landing of the stairs. “Come here and see all your new stuff,” I motioned with a smile. Sitting on the floor, I pulled her into my lap and showed her all the clothes. She smiled and was so happy. “Do you like all this?”
She nodded her head.
“We can go get you more tomorrow and you can pick anything out,” Damon told her. “Does that sound good?”
She nodded again.
“Your dad and I are getting ready to order some stuff for your room. Do you want to help?”
“Yes.” She clapped her hands.
Damon scooted onto the floor with his laptop and Rose continued sitting in my lap. I held her close, trying to show her she was loved and she was safe.
“Point at it if you want it,” Damon said, scrolling through some bedroom stuff. We let her pick out everything she wanted. After ordering the bed, she picked out ruffled yellow curtains, pale yellow bedding, a huge teddy bear. And she picked out some animal print paintings that were a pretty penny.
“You have good taste, Rose,” I told her because she picked out some expensive stuff. But Damon never flinched.
“Is yellow your favorite color?”
“Yes,” she spoke shyly.
After we picked out some final touches, Damon suggested dinner. “Do you like pizza?”
Rose nodded and smiled wide.
“Okay. I’ll go order it now.”
I smiled at him, silently thanking him. He was being so patient and showing a side of himself I had never witnessed before. I was getting a glimpse of him in Dad-mode. And I knew how he was going to be with our own child.
“Am I going to live here with you?” She pointed at me.
“You are. Me and your dad live here. And Susie is here a lot. And your dad has Matteo here, and my friend Olivia is here, too.”
She fingered my hair. “You’re so pretty.”
My heart melted. “So are you, pretty girl.”
I rocked her in my arms. “This house is gonna get crowded really quick,” I whispered to Damon. As I was saying all those names, I realized this house was big but I wasn’t sure it was big enough for everyone.
“I think Matteo wants to take Olivia to his house.”
“Is it safe?”
He chuckled. “Is it safe? Pffft. It’s like Fort Knox.”
“Good. I don’t want anything to happen to her.”
Damon rubbed my back. “I know.”
Rose sucked her thumb while I continued holding her. Then the door bell rang. “Pizza is here,” Damon said animated, causing his daughter to cheer.
“Let’s go eat,” I said, standing and taking her hand as we walked a few feet to the other room.
After pizza, we sat in the living room watching some animated kid friendly movies while Rose sat between us.