He chuckled. “Yes. That horse is yours. I bought it for you.”
She wrapped her little arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Linda walked over to us. “She’s a natural.”
“She really likes it. Can we make a weekly appointment to have her get riding lessons until she’s comfortable to do it on her own?”
“Absolutely. Are you planning to continue to house the horse here?”
“We are.”
“Perfect. I’ll have my assistant email you the paperwork.”
“Great. Thank you.”
“Can I ride him again?” Rose asked.
I took her hand. “We will bring you back next week for another lesson. Is that okay?”
In the SUV, I asked Rose, “Did you have fun?”
“Tons and tons. Best Birthday ever.”
Rose fell fast asleep on the way home, and Damon reached over to touch my stomach. “How’s the baby?”
“Kicking like crazy.” Taking Damon’s hand, I adjusted it so he could feel the movement.
“Oh my god. That’s crazy.”
“Very active today.”
We arrived home, and Damon carried Rose in and laid her on the couch so she could continue to nap.
“She fell asleep already?” Olivia asked as she greeted us when we got home. She was here to help set up the decorations. I hugged her. “Hey Matteo.”
“What’s up?”
I looked at Olivia to continue our conversation. “Yeah. She had so much fun with the riding lesson.”
“I’m sure she did. Well, I got the cake and set it out on the table.”
“Perfect. But first, let me greet my little goddaughter.” I picked her up out of her carrier and held her. “Her baby smell is my favorite.”
“Same,” Olivia replied.
“We’ll be in my office,” Damon told me and Olivia as he walked with Matteo.
“Are you planning on having more?” I asked her.
She smiled. “I hope so. I finally feel like I’m coming out of the rut I was feeling. Trying to get my body back before pregnancy.”
“Pffft. I wish I had your body.”
“Stop. Let’s get the rest of these decorations up before she wakes up.”