“What are you doing here?” I asked Matteo as he entered the club.
“I’m working.”
“You’re supposed to be home with your baby mama.”
“My mom is coming to stay for a few days so I can work and she can help out.”
“I’m sure Olivia would rather have you home with her.”
Matteo shrugged. He was a big dummy sometimes.
“I’ll be with her and help her out when I’m home.”
“Whatever. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“How is Rose adjusting?” Matteo asked. Now that our women were best friends, Matteo and I got closer as well and now it felt like were more friends than just boss and employee. So, when he asked a personal question, I didn’t get mad about it.
“She’s doing really well. She adores Kara, and Kara is such a good mom with her.”
“Do you want Kara to have a boy since you already have a girl? Come on. You can tell me.”
I smiled. “I hope she has a healthy baby.”
“Come on. I know better than that.”
“Fine. Yes, having a girl, I do secretly hope Kara has a boy. But, honestly, it doesn’t matter to me.”
“Were you surprised Olivia asked to use your last name for baby Jade?”
“I was shocked and surprised.”
“Maybe you will adopt Jade like Kara adopted Rose.”
“Maybe. I don’t know how that works if the baby daddy is dead.”
“I can get you a lawyer and you can find out whenever you are ready.”
“Thanks, man.”
“Sure. Now let me get some work done so I can go home to my woman. And go home, Matteo. You aren’t needed here. Take the week off. I’ll pay you.”
“Are you sure, boss?”
“Oh, one more thing,” I called after him.
“Will you be my best man at the wedding?”
Matteo grinned. “I would be happy to.”
“Okay. Now go.”
“Thank you.”