Olivia wore a patchwork type of dress and did the makeup on her face for her costume of Sally, Jack Skellington’s girlfriend.
“You look great. The both of you do.” Kara hugged Olivia. “How was your getaway?”
Olivia looked to Matteo then to Kara. “It was wonderful.”
“We are so glad to hear that,” I chimed in.
I let the women catch up while I went around to make sure everything was in its place. We had the food catered so Susie could enjoy the festivities as well. At first, she resisted, but after a short conversation with Kara, she relented and was happy to be a guest.
Kara caught up with me when more people started arriving. And my cousin came with his sister.
“Kara, this is my cousin Rowan, and this is his sister, Claire.”
I looked at them and introduced Kara. “This is my girlfriend, Kara.”
Kara shook both of their hands. “It’s so nice to meet you both. Finally, I meet some of Damon’s family.”
“I sure am glad to meet you finally,” Claire said. “My brother isn’t much of a talker, but I heard about your rescue. I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Thank you. Enjoy the party.”
I whirled Kara around to greet more guests.
“They seemed nice.”
I laughed. “Claire is the nice one.”
“Shocker,” Kara said sarcastically.
“You are already catching onto my family.” And that fact made me smile. “We were estranged for a long time and I reached out when you were kidnapped. They assisted in some of the search for you.”
“Who is they?”
“Rowan is part of the Bad Bones Motorcycle Crew. They run the southside of the state. You think I’m protective. I ain’t nothing compared to how protective he is over his sister.”
Kara snuggled into my arm. “I guess that runs in your family too, huh?”
I laughed. “Yeah.”
“I have to admit, I like learning about you and your family.”
“I’ll have to tell you more at a later time. Now, let’s get some food.”
It seemed like everyone was enjoying themselves, mingling and eating. Kara was extra touchy feely today and I didn’t mind at all. In fact, I only had this party so I could show her off and tell everyone she was spoken for.
Olivia and Matteo took the liberty to pass out candy to the kids that came to the door. Matteo was never a party person, but I guess whatever Olivia wanted to do, he would do it.
That was pretty much how I felt about Kara. She had never known the power she held over me. And she continued to do so.
“Damon.” Olivia came over to me in a rush. “There’s a woman outside who wants to speak to you.”
“Who is it?”
“She wouldn’t tell me.”
I looked at Kara, and she looked just as confused as I was. Kara and I followed Olivia outside.
That was when I knew. “Hope?”
She looked like a mess. Obviously, she was strung out on something. “This is your daughter. You can take care of her.”
The small girl ran to Kara and hugged her legs. “Rose?” she questioned as the girl looked up at her.
I was really confused and I looked at Kara. “You know her?”
“She’s in my class.”
I had a daughter.