“Fuckin’ Macias, trying to claim my turf.”
“Kill them. Except this one.” I pointed to the guy that talked. “Just let him go.”
There was no way that guy was going back to his boss, not when, eventually, they would find out he talked. Because I planned on taking care of Jose.
When I got back home, Susie began setting dinner out for me, fresh and hot from the oven. Instead of eating alone at the dining room table, I carried my plate to my office, where I could watch Dove.
She was shoveling food in her mouth like she hadn’t eaten in a few days and hadn’t skipped just one meal all day. I knew she hadn’t eaten since breakfast. I wondered what she was thinking. Did she think she would be down in the basement forever? Only obedience would get her upstairs. Maybe she was finally ready to come up.
I continued watching Dove like a damn stalker. But I didn’t feel the least bit guilty over it. I could be ruthless as they come. Kara just found herself in the crossfire between her dad and me. Someone had to pay for their sins. Lord knows I’d meet my maker one day. When that day came, I’d be ready to face the devil.
Finishing my food, I pushed my plate away and reached for a decanter. Pouring the amber liquid in my glass, it burned my throat as it slid down. Glancing back to the monitor, I realized I hadn’t seen Dove cry once. The girl was a fighter, that much I knew. After all, she was raised by a mobster. She knew the drill.
She thought I couldn’t break her.
But I would.
Chapter Three
I wondered how much longer I’d be down here, handcuffed to this damn bed. I refused to allow Damon to think he’d won. Rage burned my gut and came up like acid but I swallowed it back down.
Judging by the meals Susie had been serving me, I’d say I had been here three or four days. Surely, he wouldn’t keep me down here forever. I was a fucking Ricci. But the more time passed, I wondered what my survival rate was. Probably 50/50 if I put up a good enough fight.
It was early when Susie came downstairs. She leaned in to uncuff me. “Give me any trouble and Master will punish you.” She released my restraint and I rubbed my sore wrist.
“God I practically came here willingly. Obviously, I’m regretting that now,” I said with a hint of snarkiness.
Susie just looked at me and said, “Follow me. I’ll take you to your room and then I’ll bring you breakfast.” Susie was a very matter of fact person. She didn’t ever say anything too personal. But she worked for Damon.
Once on the main level of the house, we took the fancy spiral stairs up another floor. The attention to detail was beautiful. The stairs practically wrapped around a massive teardrop chandelier. The décor was very dramatic and made a statement. Damon didn’t spare any expense. We passed a few rooms, or what I assumed to be bedrooms because the doors were closed.
“Will I be locked in my room?”
“For now. The master needs to know you’ll behave.”
“I’m not a fucking child!” I shouted.
Again, Susie just looked at me, silently scolding me.
We made a right and entered a room. I was in awe, but I didn’t voice it or show it. The room was big and spacious. The walls were a dark slate color, the canopy bed was white with pink and black accents. The gauzy fabric hung down, giving the bed a romantic feel.
“Closet is over here. You’re expected to change into something for dinner this evening. You have your own bathroom as well.” Susie pointed to the right.
I didn’t respond as she stepped out of the room, locking the door behind her. The closet was huge, with a vanity and everything I could ever possibly need. It was filled with gowns to jeans, everything in my size. There was also a vanity I could sit at with all the things to make me pretty. I was never much of a makeup person, but I did like playing with eye shadow that went with my blue-green eye color. But one thing I always used was mascara. I’d never leave the house without sweeping some over my lashes.
After touching all the different materials and seeing all the clothes, I pulled out a pair of pale pink lounge pants with a matching hoodie. Damon wouldn’t be home until later. I could not wait to grab a shower since it had been several days since I had last seen a shower.
The hot water felt magical as I scrubbed my skin with fruit scented body wash. The shampoo made my hair smell like coconut and lime. You didn’t realize the simple things you took for granted until you didn’t have them anymore. Even under these circumstances, I was thankful the room was filled with such luxuries.
I spent the day reading a book from the filled bookshelf that was floor to ceiling. Of course, I had been readingPride and PrejudicebyJane Austen. A classic. Lounging on a chair, I was so engrossed I didn’t hear Susie when she first came in.
“The master will see you at dinner in an hour. You should wear something nice for him. I’ll come back and retrieve you.”
She never waited for a reply from me because they were instructions made by Damon. Well, they were orders. And I was to follow those orders. I heard the click of the lock and bounded from my chair. If I wanted any type of freedom, I had to make an effort. I needed the perfect dress for my first dinner with themaster. Sifting through the racks of clothes, particularly the dress section, I compared some dresses as I held them up to my body while looking in the large mirror. Finally, I settled on a little black dress. It was a simple mini dress with spaghetti straps and it had cut outs on the side. The dress hugged my curves like a second skin.