Page 12 of Betrayal

I found a lounge chair to settle on with the book I was almost finished with. Removing the cover up, I settled in. The sun felt amazing on my skin.

But after getting drowsy from reading in the sun, an idea popped in my head. What if I could get out of here? No one came to check on me the whole time I was out here. Carefully getting up from the lounge chair, I walked around and found a gate connecting the back of the house to the front. All I had to do was lift the latch. It was simple, but my heart raced and it felt like it might burst out of my chest.

I said a silent prayer before ever so carefully lifting the latch. I was about to be free. So close to my freedom. Once I stepped on the front lawn, I felt a man’s arms engulf me, lifting me over his shoulder like I was a ragdoll.

Well, that wasn’t such a bright idea after all. “Let me down now!” I screamed, pounding my fists on his back.

He walked in the front door and to the kitchen. “Look who I found trying to escape,” he told Susie.

I lifted my head and saw how pissed she was. “Well, I guess we’ll have to put you in the basement until Master arrives home. Then he’ll decide what he wants to do with you.”

Chapter Eight


While the man carried me down the stairs, I continued throwing a fit, demanding to be put down. Meanwhile, Susie was on the phone with Damon. I knew I was in big trouble. It was stupid trying to escape this early in the game. By now, I knew Damon would punish me thoroughly.

Hours might have passed; I wasn’t quite sure. No one had came down to the basement, not even Susie, to feed me and my stomach was growling. I slipped in and out of sleep for the rest of the night. I woke up forgetting where I was only to realize I was in the cold and damp basement and my hand was cuffed to the headboard.

Bright light filtered the room. The windows were high but the morning sun shone through. I was surprised I actually slept through the night.

I waited for Susie to bring me breakfast, but she never came. Around what I assumed to be lunch time, Susie made an appearance. All she did was peek over the stair railing at me and then headed back up. I was officially in starvation mode. Surely, Damon told her not to feed me.

By dinner time when the sun was descending, I was feeling weak. And finally, Susie showed up. “Eat. You’ll need your strength. Master is home.” She shoved a tray of food at me. I was so hungry I ate like a crazed animal that hadn’t ever eaten a decent meal before. “You will remove your bikini before Master comes down here,” she told me, taking the now empty tray.

Twenty or thirty minutes later, a light flipped on and I knew Damon was coming down. When he came into full view, my eyes hungered at the view of him. The first couple of buttons on his white dress shirt were undone and his sleeves were rolled up to his forearm. I always thought that look was sexy on just about any man, but there was something about Damon. Maybe it was the power he held, the power he wanted to have over me. But I wasn’t well-behaved. I knew I was being a spoiled brat.

“It seems you wish not to remain in my home, Dove.”

I couldn’t even respond because I was still stunned from my actions the day before.

“Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”

I had no words to answer him with.

“You think you can escape me, Dove?”

I couldn’t speak; I saw the rage in his dark eyes. He laid a small tackle box at the foot of the bed.

“You better talk, Dove!”

He spoke with such force it caused me to jump.

“I’m sorry, Master. I…I’m sorry.” I tried to give pitiful eyes but it wasn’t working.

“Is that all you have to say for yourself? Did you really think my men were not watching you?”

“Please, Master. I’m sorry. I really am. I…Please forgive me.”

Angry, yet with such demeanor, Damon said, “You’re just sorry you got caught. Do you know how many bad men are out there, just waiting to get their hands on you? Men far worse than me, Dove. Men who despise your father and who will use you to get what they want from him.”

I was a nobody. I knew no one wanted me. “What are you going to do to me?”

He smirked. “I’ve been thinking about your punishment for the last twelve hours. Turn over and get on all fours, Dove.”

The calmness in his voice made me nervous. Looking over my shoulder, I could see him reaching in the tackle box as he pulled out what looked like a riding crop. He lashed it across my ass. The leather material stung. After what seemed like forever, he took the crop to my ass again. Damon rubbed it against my pussy, tapping it roughly at times until I was soaked with desire. Then he took it away, leaving me groaning with want and need.

Damon removed the handcuff. I watched as he reached into his tackle box, pulling out a set of straps.