Page 77 of The Chase

I nod, barely holding onto the sob. I won't break down, not now, but the anger, the outrage, twists in my throat, waiting for permission to be released. I need a shower. I need heat to burn away anything he may have left on me. I shiver as tears burn the back of my throat as all my suspicions become fact.

“Come on, sweets, let’s get you home.” Avery’s arm folds around my shoulders as she guides us, and then I give myself permission to let go.




I'd gone off radar, and I'm aware of the storm that is going to hit me once I do contact her. What had brought me back to the land of the living had been a text, one that I’d received seconds before my cell had died. My heart had all but collapsed in my chest.

Avery:Mia attacked by Zac. Get your ass home. NOW!

I know that I'll have to build their trust in me all over again, not the crews, that is a brother's bond, but the girls are going to be a different matter. I can just explain to them, if they will listen to me. My disappearing act isn't about my dad dying. I don't care about the man that had played a five second part in my existence. My issue comes down to the freedom his death brings me, and where my life is going now. If you'd asked me six months ago where I'd be, I would have told you that rowing is my life. That I'd be speaking with sponsors and working my way towards training for the Olympics.

That dream is hardly recognizable to me now.

I click onto the family messaging group; happy I'd asked the man behind the counter in the smallest store I’d ever seen for a charger. I'd been without my phone for over a day. I’d been deep in the wilderness.


I’d left her.

She’s been hurt because I wasn’t there to protect her. What the hell had I been thinking? I clearly hadn’t thought at all. I hope she doesn’t forgive me because I don’t deserve it.

Austin:Family meeting. Dexter's. 8am!

Kit:Think you can order us around when you've been MIA?

The dude can't stay mad at me for long.

Austin:Be there!

Autumn:I’d watch out for Avery, she’s ready to kill you.

Yeah, I thought as much. I'm not even sure if Dexter's opens its doors that early, but I'll grab Dexter and beg him for the space. Being elite comes with benefits and I might as well use them now before I'm no longer one of them.

I wait at our table.

I'm the first to arrive which is hardly surprising considering I arrived one hour early. I have a lot of making up to do. My crew strut in first. Sawyer is quiet as he takes his seat, Kit nodding at me, and Lucas, well, being Lucas, who throws out his hand for a shake. "Hey stranger!"

I nod as he slides into the booth next to me.

"Mia is pissed."

I focus on Sawyer. "Tell me something that I don't know. I had to do what I had to do, and I’m sorry it hurt people, I didn’t want that."

"Are you all together now?"

"More or less."

"Where did you go?" Kit ventures.

"Camping." I wait for the reaction.

"What?" Lucas snorts.

I smirk. I haven't camped outside since I was eight. That memory had been pushed to the back of my mind because it had been with Matt. Being at one with nature and going back to those memories has helped over the last three days. I feel closer to Matt and the time has opened my eyes to who I am, and who I've been pretending to be.