Page 57 of The Chase


Iwonder when the sensation of broken ribs leaves you. The muffled crack still sends shockwaves through my body. They don't crunch like you'd expect them too, but you feel it, like a Cheeto wrapped in wool. Having never had a broken bone, three broken ribs and a broken arm is sure making up for lost time, and they each have their own heartbeat, throbbing like a toothache.

Spending the whole day in the ER, being prodded and poked at, enduring scans, has not lightened my mood, and they’d denied visitors, something to do with the crew being too rowdy. The need to see Mia has pissed me off more than any of the breaks.

When I’d eventually been allowed visitors, two at a time, no one has mentioned Zac and what had happened afterwards. I’d spoken to the cops, but our past with him tells me he'll get away with it. The cops might not be bothered, but he won’t get away with it. Coach had told me they'd found Mia on Zac’sback, practically ripping at his face with her nails as I lay on the ground. I’d smirked, ignoring the thunderstorm in my head.

My girl is falling for me.

After keeping me over night, I sit on the edge of the bed, dressed, and making eye contact with every person who wears a badge so I can tell them I want to get out of here. I have no idea what astronomical bill I will face after this, but I'll throw that at Coach. He dealt with my insurance when I signed up to BB, so he can sort it now. Plus, he’s part of the reason they’d kept me. My head is made of strong stuff, but Coach had ensured I’d stayed in.

Each second that passes sets my teeth on edge. How hard is it to let me go? I'm sure they need the bed for someone more fitting. I growl and surge to my feet to shout that I'm leaving just as Kit's head pops around the door, olive green already smiling, the blond buzzcut growing out. "Yo!"

And then a doctor I remember appears alongside Kit. Perfect timing.

Brown eyes looks pointedly at me, like someone has been telling on me. Can you guess how many fucks I give? "Mr Whitlock, you're good to go, here are your discharge papers, and the medication we spoke about."

"Great, thanks." I take everything from him.

"We will get you set up with a physiotherapist as soon as we can, but you're not to do any activity until your ribs have started to heal."

I nod.

He leaves as Kit whistles. "Serious dude."

I shrug, the action lifting a moan out of meFuck!"I might have pissed off some nurses trying to get out of here," I grumble, trying to breathe through the pain.

He chuckles, but he’s hardly surprised.

The impatient anger I'd felt seconds ago melts away. I grin. "Coach?"

Dimples pop as he flashes a brilliant smile. "He doesn't have a death wish. He’s at the boathouse and knows that you’re pissed for the hospital intervention."

I huff. "What’s happened?" I ask, grabbing my bag and following him.

Kit must hear my ribs singing and slows his pace. "Cops took him in for questioning, we gave our statements, and the CCTV we have at the boathouse, thanks for graffiti gate. It doesn't show much of the fight because of where it’s located. I think he knew, had scoped out the area."

I nod. Words or actions won't deal with the storm raging in my gut. When it comes to Zac, I've grown used to things not going my way. In fact, the only thing that's ever gone my way is rowing, and Mia. I know Zac will have been released before me, but he isn't stupid enough to try anything when I'm not there. He wants me there. That's part of the kick. I'm his audience.


Kit chuckles. "Her and her crew stayed at ours until this morning when..."

My Mia antenna twitches. "She went for a run, didn't she?"

Kit nods.

Fuck. Me.She can be so stubborn.I love her for it, but I could also kill her because of it.

"But she had a bodyguard, and she wasn't happy about it."


He nods as we reach his truck. I grunt as I open the door. "Take me to her."

I will deal with Mia, after tasting the only medicine I need. I mean, how can she deny a sick man? I also need to punch home, no pun intended, the need to leave the house with back up! Until we've sorted the issue with Zac, she’s going to have a shadow.

The broken bones and what it does for my career can come later. Zac and Harry are the priority.