Page 3 of The Chase

"Oh, shit! Crash and burn!" Lucas snorts.

I laugh.

"How are we playin' it, mate?" Kit questions.Kit's British humor is lost on me at the moment.There’s concern that Zac isn’t letting it go.In fact, we can all see him pushing harder.

I down the remaining beer watching as Zac moves closer to her.His hand reaches towards her hip, the curves barely contained in the tight as fuck jeans.I grind my teeth, my jaw popping as I chew on a lemon.She cringes, making her feelings clear, thank fuck for that.I attempt to calm the fire spreading through my chest.I have no idea why it’s her I feel the need to protect, but here we are.

Zac moves from the table and saunters to his band of brothers, the smug smile creasing his face.

"Dude, not here..." Sawyer's baby blues hold me in place.

I glance down at his hand on my arm and I realize I've made a move towards her, or Zac.

"You wanna go?" Lucas touches my shoulder.

"He's a pillock," Kit seethes.

I smirk. Kit moved to Boston when he was fourteen, so he brings a certain charm to our conversations."I'm not leaving." They might think there’s more to this.There isn’t. It’s just simply me, a man, wanting to protect a woman.

One who has snapped something inside of me.

Tomarrrto. Tamaaaato. As Kit will tell me.It’s neither here nor there.

It isn't too long before I see her group of friends make tracks, but I also witness Zac step out behind them.I growl as I follow. Zac doesn’t know boundaries and I’m about to show him some.The boys flank me. As I step outside, his hand is fastened around her arm.She's pulling away from him, mouth open, fear shimmering in the green.I rush him, taking a moment to try out for the football team.As we hit the hard sidewalk, I register the shouts.I rear back as Zac smirks from his position below me, adding fuel to the fire.I grunt as my fist connects heavily against his cheek.



I grunt. The fucker better stay there.

Breathing hard, I push up and step back.Zac shuffles to his knees, wiping his hand across his mouth.I smirk, enjoying seeing the blood."Not on my turf. Touch a woman again without permission and you’ll be sucking jello through a straw for a week," I warn him.

“She one of your conquests?” Zac leers, the blood is smeared on his pearly whites.

I see his confusion because I’ve never been around this woman before, and clearly, he’s been trying for some time.

“I’m not a fucking possession!” she snaps.

I smirk. She’s got bite, and that stirs my dick.

Zac snorts, swaying a little.I’m more than happy to see the pain swirling in the stormy grey."I don’t need your sloppy seconds!"

Sawyer steps around me. I subtly shake my head.Zac isn’t worth it, and I don’t want Sawyer protecting her.Yes, it’s strange, but I consider it my job.I don’t care how ridiculous that thought is.The wolfy claim she has over me has hit hard, the roles reversed, and I have no idea what to do with it.I’d always been consumed by the life events I’d lived through, and then the focus on being the best of the best.Now she’s in my life, through no fault of her own, she’d been seeking protection that early morning, my focus is one hundred fucking percent on her right now.

And I still don’t know her name.

Yes, I’m aware that it doesn’t make sense and that it’s completely fucked up, but, here we are.I hadn’t been able to help her that morning so I’m helping her now.

"Zac, come on." A member of his crew grabs his arm.

Zac doesn't respond, but his eyes narrow.I'm an obstacle he doesn't want, and he knows he can’t take on the Boston Brooks crew.He moves closer to me, his lips thinning as his jaw pulses.

“Don’t a stupid dick,” Kit warns.

She steps closer to Zac, meaning I counterbalance her movement, just in case Zac has left all his sense in the bar.A quiet moment follows and then Zac strides away.I turn to the girls, and I’m instantly faced with a wall of defiance.

You’re fucking welcome.