Page 61 of The Chase

His lips thin. "I was hoping you'd live up to my expectations of you."

"You failed mine months ago."

He pushes his cell up into my face. "I have plenty more to post!"

I shake my head. "And that's exactly why I don't want it up and running. You use it to be cruel, I don't understand why you can't use it to be good."

He laughs. "No one wants to listen to the good stuff. Everyone wants the gossip."

I sigh. "There's gossip, and then there's the level you reach, no stone left unturned, it doesn’t matter if that upsets people, or breaks someone’s heart. I hope you're proud of all you've accomplished, the podcast, and no friends."

"I have friends!" he spits.

"Fake ones who use you."

"I'll show you what I can do!" he hisses. He clicks on something on his cell and then shows me. There's a video on the screen, but it's not playing.

Terror grips my heart, but I tell myself to hold it.

He grins as he hits publish. "MyInstagramfollowers are going to love that!"

"If you have any left," I goad.

"That's part one. A lovely little piece at a lake in Maine."

He must see the recognition on my face as he laughs. "And part two?"

I step towards him with no idea what I’m going to do, but he’d already felt my wrath, maybe he needs more?

He whistles and shakes his head. "I have a piece on the wolf being gay."

I laugh. Harry has finally lost the plot. He's digging a little deep and totally off course with this one. "That's not possible." I know from personal experience.

"I have the video evidence of that boyfriend of yours kissing me."




The video has rocked the campus world while I’d lifted the smallest weight known to man. And it still hurts like a fucker. The lack of rowing and my growing frustrations with my body are the reason I’m here. The ache in my arm is concerning, and the twinges in my chest aren't good. My gay video is actually a welcome distraction.

Cell phones vibrate around me. It looks likeOff Topicis back with a bang. The release of that video tells me everything I need to know. And posting about my girl the way he had also screams that he’s jealous of her. I hadn't known about his crush on me. Why would I have? He's not, and never would be, on my radar.

The crew stand around me as I watch myself kiss Harry.

"You were drunk!" Lucas bellows. “And it was a fucking peck of the lips, hardly anything to write home about!”

"Fucking hammered more like!" Kit adds.

"And it was a dare! One thathe’dinstigated," Lucas seethes.

This kind of thing would usually be laughed off, but after everything that has happened to us, I’m not sure how much more the crew can take before they snap.

"And he's clearly taking advantage of that moment," Sawyer chips in. "Look at how he's set up the cameras... that isn't someone recording it for a laugh. He's edited it, from different angles."

"Although, dude, you look like a great kisser!" Kit teases.