“Yeah. It’s fun.” I took another sip of my water, to give my hands something to do other than grabbing him by his sexy white shirt and draining him dry.

“Here’s your drink. The fries will be out soon,” the bartender said, before leaving us alone again.

Mad still hadn’t touched his drink.

I picked mine up, hoping the alcohol would lighten my mood. It wouldn’t affect me for long, given the magic making my system function differently than a human’s, but it would relax me for a little while.

And hopefully dull my hunger.

That was a pipe dream, but hey, a girl could hope.

“What do you do for work?” I asked him.

“I’m a firefighter. My station’s a few blocks from here.”


Well, that was sexy. No way around admitting it.

“What’s your favorite thing to bake?” Mad asked me, his attention still fixed entirely on me.



“They’re a challenge, and I like challenges. Plus, I like to eat them. We make these ham and cheese ones that are to die for. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, I would pick ham and cheese croissants,” I said.

It was true, despite my need for blood. In an ideal world, I wouldn’t be a vampire at all, and could survive on baked goods. I’d add it to my list of pipe dreams.

Mad’s lips curved upward. “I’ll have to stop by and try them.”

I took a bigger sip of my drink. “What would you choose if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life?”

Madd didn’t bat an eye at the question. “Steak, bathed in garlic butter. Every damn time.”

I smiled.

That didn’t surprise me even a little.

If I wasn’t so hungry for blood, and obsessed with croissants, maybe I would’ve even agreed with him.

“Have you ever been to Jollie’s, a few streets away from here?” he asked, gesturing behind us.

I knew what he was talking about. It was a sit-down restaurant. Way above my paygrade, considering the price of blood bags and my shitty apartment’s rent.


“They have incredible steak. I’ll take you there tomorrow.”

I blinked.

Had he just…

Hot damn.

He had.

Mad had just shamelessly implied that there would be a second date. I wasn’t even sure if our current situation counted as a first date—but whatever.