But now, I was remembering—and fuck, it had been hell. Worse than hell.

Vaguely, I heard the doorknob twist, stopping on the lock. A moment later, I heard it again, and it opened right up.

Of course the bastard had keys to his own damn doors.

I couldn’t stop the panic attack.

I wanted to, but I couldn’t.

I couldn’t stop him from tugging his shirt off and climbing into bed with me, or pulling me into his arms.

I couldn’t even stop myself from turning to face his chest, and wetting his skin with my tears.

The arm he didn’t have around my back, holding me securely to his chest, was stroking my hair.

Slowly, my breathing evened out.

He was humming softly—when my breathing evened, I noticed that.

“Is that a Tara Brisk song?” I whispered.

“Mmhm. She’s got a song for everything.”

I couldn’t help it—I laughed. It was a teary, quiet laugh, but still a laugh. She was a global supernatural popstar, and had been for ages. No one knew what kind of supernatural she was, though.

My humor faded quickly, and my mind went back to where it had been.

The past.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted. My hands were curled between us, my fingers digging into his chest harder than could’ve been comfortable. “Why did you take your shirt off?”

“Physical contact is comforting for wolves.”

“It is?”

“You tell me.”

Therewassomething peaceful about having him pressed up against me the way he was. About how warm and soft his skin was against mine.

“Maybe it does.”

His lips brushed the top of my head. “I still shouldn’t have pushed.”

“I encouraged you to do it.”


“We’re both pushy, Madd. No point in pretending otherwise. I’m not upset; you don’t need to apologize.”

“Youareupset, Love.”

“No, I’m just… sad. I’ve never talked about that part of my life with anyone before. Not even with Tori and Sienna.”


“Usually, only one percent of us survive. There were a hundred girls in that mansion, and three of us made it through the transition. Me, Tori, and Sienna. The clan wasecstatic. Three blood bags, for the price of one.”