“I’m her mate. She’ll listen to me,”my wolf growled.

“Or you’ll listen to her.”

He snapped his teeth at me, though he didn’t have any physical teeth to snap in that moment. We were basically the same being; it wasn’t as if the bastard could bite me.“Not on this.”

I hoped he was right.

Because I may have fucked things up with my mate, but there wasn’t a damn chance I was going to walk away from her. One way or another, I’d convince her she belonged to me.

And that I belonged to her, too.

When we finally parked infront of the fourplex apartment building, my lips twisted in a snarl.

My wolf tried to force a shift, then and there.

She lived in the shittiest building in the city. The place was all but crumbling. The other three apartments had been empty for months on end, and as far as I’d known, hers was too.

I watched her glance over her shoulder as she slipped out of her junker car. It was the only vehicle in the small lot, other than mine. Her gaze caught mine for a moment, before she looked away quickly.

I forced myself to continue breathing through my nose, trying to squash my anger down. She had lied to me and hidden the truth, but she wasmine.

I would sit in my truck until I’d calmed down enough to apologize to my female… then, I would drag her cute little ass back to my pack’s neighborhood and make sure she understood exactly what was going to happen between us.

Including her drinking my blood.



My stomach churnedas I scrubbed my skin in the shower, trying hard to get Madd’s ridiculously-delicious scent off of me. I’d had my way with a blood bag as soon as we got home, but after tasting the alpha, drinking it had been like swallowing watery dirt.

I’d managed to get it down, but it had only helped my hunger a tiny bit.

And on top of that, it wasn’t sitting right. My nausea was growing by the minute.

A loud knock echoed through the paper-thin walls of my apartment. Despite the shower running above my head and the music playing in the kitchen, I could hear the knock without a problem.

That was what happened when you lived in an ancient apartment building. The walls were so thin, it felt like the whole place swayed with every gust of wind.

I sighed.

There was no question who was at the door.

“I’ll deal with him,” Tori said, not bothering to step inside the bathroom to tell me. We both knew the ‘wood’ barely muffled words at all.

I heard the front door open, followed by Tori’s, “What do you want?”

“I have Love’s bag. I’ll give it to her in exchange for a conversation,” Madd said.

Even with the shower on and walls between us, his voice still made goosebumps break out on my arms.

Something was seriously wrong with me, and I was starting to get nervous that it mightactuallybe a mate bond.

“She’s not having a conversation with you.”

“Then she’s not getting her purse or phone back,” Madd said, just as bluntly as Tori.

My stomach churned, harder than ever.