There were a few messages and a missed call from Bauther, but a text from a grocery delivery service was on the top.


Last chance to add more items! Order closes in thirty minutes.


He must’ve put in an order.


How’s it going? I heard you abducted your mate.

I couldn’t stop another grin. Tori must’ve been talking to the other women in the pack, which made me feel better about abandoning her.

After a moment’s consideration, I hit the missed call button, and the phone called Bauther back without requiring a passcode.

He picked up on the second ring. “Hey, Alpha.”

“Hey, yourself.”

Bauther chuckled. “Hi, Love. Where’s Madd?”

“Sleeping. I need something. Well, two somethings.”

He didn’t answer, so I went on.

“I need a list of his favorite foods, and the passcode to his phone.”

There was another beat of silence.

“I have his keys right here,” I added. Though it was a lie, he’d promised to give them to me, and I could probably find them without much effort. “If I wanted to get away from him, I would just leave.”

Bauther grunted. “Alright. The code is the date the pack started—December 1st. I’ll send the list to your phone. What’s your number?”

I rattled it off. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” He paused a moment, then added, “Tori seems to be getting along well with the pack. They like her a lot, and added her to the group texts already. They want to add you too.”

He surprised me with that.

Though I’d known Tori was fitting in well, I hadn’t expected an invitation to do the same. I guessed it made sense, given that I was mated to their alpha, but…

I don’t know.

It still surprised me for some reason.

“I’m glad. Is she getting enough blood?”

“Every unmated male in the pack has brought her multiple blood bags, so I’m sure she’s set.”

“Including you?” I teased.

He chuckled. “Yes, including me.”

“Well, good luck. And send the list quickly, if you can.”

“Will do. Thanks for asking.”