His tongue stroked mine again, distracting me for a minute. “That wasn’t a request, Vee. I want my do-over.”

I forced my fangs to descend.

His eyes flashed with heat.

When I captured his lip, cutting the sensitive skin, he rumbled with pleasure.

Madd’s hands slid up my thighs, finding my ass and squeezing. His fingers were smooth, and his grip was rough.

His mouth still moved with mine as he parted my legs further, rocking his erection against my bare, wet center. He was still wearing a pair of sweats, but I was too lost in the moment to care.

He slid my shirt up, revealing more of me. His chest rumbled in satisfaction as my body came into view, and his hands slid up to take my breasts the moment the fabric hit the floor.

When Madd’s thumbs dragged over my nipples, I couldn’t stop my moan.

“I wanted you on my tongue that night,” he said, his hands sliding back down my body. His thumbs dragged over my slick core, and I moved against them. “But I knew I didn’t have thepatience. I was going to fuck you with my mouth while our pleasure leaked from you after we climaxed.”

He circled my clit.

I rocked harder, more desperately. “Damn, you have a dirty mouth.”

“You have no fucking idea. The things I want to do to you, woman…”

“Prove it,” I breathed.

He had his pants halfway down his thighs and was driving into me a heartbeat later.

The back of my head hit the wall as he hit something partway through my channel, and I choked on a pained breath.

The size of him…

The thickness…

The heat…

He’d hurt me a little, but he felt incredible, too.

“Fucking hell,” he snarled, his hot, angry eyes colliding with mine. “You’re a virgin?”

“Maybe,” I managed.

“Don’t lie to me.” He started to ease out of me.

My grip on his hair tightened. “If you stop now, I won’t forgive you.”

He squeezed my ass hard, but stopped moving. “Give me the truth.”

My heart beat erratically. I was still trying to adjust to the feel of him inside me, but he deserved to know. “The clan didn’t let anyone touch us. They saw us as their property. If we’d had sex, it would’ve drained our energy, making us produce less blood.”

Madd growled, “Which clan?”

I still didn’t want to tell him.

But I wanted him to free Sienna… and I wanted to be safe from them.

“Garver,” I said.

“Thank you.” He captured my lips again, and my mind left the clan.