My heaven lasted all of five minutes, because as soon as I shut off the water, the bathroom door opened.

I sighed, not bothering to open my eyes. The bubbles would keep me covered, but I wasn’t really worried about my nudity anyway. As much as I tried to put distance between myself and Archer, I’d still ridden his cock to orgasm over his clothes the last time I drank from him.

“Scoot over,” he said.

I opened my eyes in time to see him push his jeans down his thighs, exposing a massive erection raging against his boxer briefs.

My response was sharp. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Joining you. Scoot over.”

“I didn’t invite you,” I shot back.

“If I wait for an invitation from you, I’ll be waiting for the rest of my damn life, Vee.” He stripped his boxer briefs off, and my gaze met his boner.




He was gorgeous.

“That’ll feel good inside us,”my wolf murmured.

I didn’t even bother to disagree.

The horny bitch was right.

He stepped into the bath, and I finally had the sense to pull my legs up to my chest, turning sideways. It was a normal-sized bathtub, but he was not a normal-sized man.

“I don’t think this is going to work,” I said, as he sat down on the opposite side of me. His shoulder hit the water spout awkwardly, but he didn’t seem to care.

I huffed when he tucked one of his legs on one side of my hips, then did the same with the other.

“We’ll be fine. Give me your feet.”

“I’m good here.”

He lifted an eyebrow at me.

After a moment of hesitation, I finally gave him one of my legs.

He set it over his thighs without dragging it against his erection or anything.

“See, we made it work.” His hands settled on my shins, big and warm.

“But why did weneedto make it work?”

“Because you’re here right now, trapped with me, without a way to escape the conversation.” He squeezed my legs lightly, and my lower belly clenched.

I should’ve skipped the bubbles. I would’ve had a much better view of him.

Then again, I wasn’t supposed to even be looking at the bastard.

Obviously, I was failing at that.

I let out a long breath. “Alright, let’s talk.”